Somewhere along the way, a man will out of the blue begin to have erection problems.
He’ll still have and feel desire for his lady but his penis will simply not cooperate.
He’ll feel embarrassed, humiliated, ashamed, and guilty.
And, his lady will feel just as bad because she now thinks that the man has lost his desire and attraction for her which really rattles her sense of self-worth.
Because it’s going to happen if it hasn’t already happened, let’s explore this phenomenon…
As odd as it may seem, few men seem to recognize the "transition" that happens to them.
For the first part of an average male's life, an erection is an automatic, requires no effort, instantaneous, kind of thing.
For the first part of the average male's life, they think how dumb it is that a woman needs to hear the words first, that she needs to be turned on in her head first, before she is really ready for sex.
And then, the transition happens. All of a sudden, things aren't so instant and automatic.
He thinks something is wrong with him which leads to further anxiety which leads to further erection problems.
At the same time, the lady of the relationship - with all of her own self-doubt - interprets the "malfunction" as something wrong with her.
What we have to consider is that the power of the mind is an amazing thing. National Geographic magazine has reported more than once on "natives" who woke up on a given morning in perfect health, decided that they had been "cursed" during the night and were dead before nightfall - all because of what they believed in their mind.
Given this example of the mind's power, is it any wonder that men have erection problems when they don't understand what's really happening within their own bodies?
Well, the good news is that most men don't have a real problem. Nature has just "turned the tables on him".
In other words, when the transition happens, the average male needs to hear sexual words first. He needs to get turned on in his head first. He needs foreplay. He needs his wife to talk sexy talk to him. He needs his wife to assure him of her love and care for him. He needs his wife to assure him of his value and importance.
He needs all the things that she needed during the first part of HER life - and that he thought was so dumb. He needs all those things that felt like nothing but an obstacle to him getting what he wanted.
The bad news is that if he doesn't recognize and understand this "transition", then he will start using the power of his mind in a negative and destructive way such that he will end up having genuine and real erection problems.
But, by understanding what's really going on and by asking the wife to slow things down a bit, to talk sexy talk, to affirm him, to open up and expose all of her secret sexual thoughts, a man and a woman can have sex that is far more incredible than anything they've experienced prior to the transition.
BY: Calle Zorro
Friday, December 30, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Mens Guide 2 Sex On: Seven Things That Women Want From Men
It’s a question every guy asks himself, every guy struggles with at some point or another, every guy desperately wants to know the answer to:
The answer isn’t easy to come by. There are as many answers as there are types of women: young, old; fat, skinny; talkative, quiet; beautiful…not so beautiful. They all want different things, different men for their different personalities. It’s enough to drive a man crazy! We want to know so badly what it is women desire that Hollywood addressed the age-old question with the movie "What Women Want" (which, I’m embarrassed to say, I enjoyed).
So, surely…there must be something ALL women want?
That’s the good news: There are certain qualities every woman can appreciate. And as men, that’s what we need to focus on most. Not on what we THINK they want, but on what we can KNOW they want. Maybe we think being 6′5", wealthy, and jacked like a football player is what every woman wants, but (thankfully) it’s not. Only certain women want that, and the groupies who only want a millionaire athlete on steroids usually aren’t even worth your time.
It’s better to focus on the girls YOU really want: the girls who make you feel good, and make you a better man. Empower yourself with a sense of choice, so that you don’t waste your time (and theirs) hitting on girls who don’t fit with your personality and purpose. The great news is, if you can provide the basic qualities that all women REALLY desire, then getting the girl of your dreams will be easy!
So let’s look at some things we can safely say women want in a man–regardless of his size, regardless of his looks, regardless of his wealth.
1. A demonstrative value. That is, women want to know that their man is someone other women would want. They want a certain "gotta have" quality about their man. This is why, when we go out with a girlfriend, women give us looks and always seem more interested. It’s annoying but true: the easiest way to get a girl, is to have one already!
Naturally, that doesn’t mean that you should be hitting on girls when you have a girlfriend. No way! But when you are single, it’s important to know how to show value. I’ve got a great lesson on this in my e-book that will show you everything you need to know: how to make her laugh, how to show a talent, and how to make sure she never leaves you.
There’s so much to learn, but in short, you want to be a guy girls love to be around, and that other girls want to have! If you don’t feel like you’re there right now, do your best to be a fun-loving guy who people enjoy being around. Be quick with a smile, and quick with a joke. Even a guy who smiles a lot can be someone girls want. Who doesn’t enjoy being around someone who’s happy, who lifts the mood of the room?
2. A man who needs her…but not too much. This can greatly value from girl to girl, but basically women DO want to feel appreciated. They just don’t want to be obsessed over. Guys, show interest in a woman, and make her feel beautiful and wanted…but don’t slave over her and make her feel like you can’t live without her. That’s just pathetic, and drives women away.
I wrote a blog on how women want to feel needed. Check it out now if you want to find out how to show your woman the right amount of love.
3. A feeling of security. Women want to feel safe with a man. They want to know that everything’s gonna be all right. This doesn’t mean you have to be huge and strong, or have millions in the bank. It just means you have to talk reassuringly to her, look after her safety, and assure her when she needs it that things are going to be OK.
It also means coming to her protection, when she needs it. If someone is being a jerk to her, stand up for her. If she’s being threatened, fight for her. Let her know that you will fight for her, and nothing will get in your way.
One of the best ways to make her feel confident that you will protect her, of course, is to be…
4. A guy who’s in shape. Okay, I said that you don’t have to be a professional rugby player to attract women, but that doesn’t mean you should let your body slide! Part of a woman’s evolutionary mechanism says that a man who is strong will protect her and the children, as well as produce strong children. Likewise, a man who is weak will produce weak children, and not be able to protect the family as well (if at all) It may occur subconsciously, but it’s there.
So show her your value by being a guy who’s well-built, healthy, and athletic. Join a gym, not just to get women but to improve your health and the way you see yourself. Join a martial arts class–who doesn’t like a guy who can kick some ass? You’ll feel better about yourself, making it easier to pick up girls, and her mating drive will only naturally attract her to you. It’s a win-win situation!
5. Someone who’s not boring. Doesn’t matter how good looking you are…if you bore a woman to tears, she’s not gonna stick around–or even give you a chance, for that matter. Be someone who smiles. Someone who’s quick with a laugh. Someone who doesn’t take life too seriously, who lets loose. That shows a lot more value than a guy who’s stiff and serious–even if he is good looking or wealthy. Believe me, there are lots of guys who have money, who have good looks–but are single, because they’re dull and not fun to be around.
6. Someone who’s good with her friends. You’ve seen it at bars: girls always look to their friends for their approval. Get their friends’ approval, and you get the girl’s approval.
Oftentimes it’s actually best to concentrate on getting to know the girl’s group of friends before you spend time talking to her. If you can make her friends laugh and enjoy your company, getting the girl you want will be a piece of cake!
I really like this piece of advice from Joseph Matthews, aka Thundercat, author of The Art of the Approach, in his free e-newsletter: "Meeting women when they are with their friends is WAY easier than waiting for when they are alone! This is because women with friends feel safe and relaxed, so their defenses aren’t up."
Furthermore, he warns that you’re not doing your chances any favors by waiting til she’s alone: "If you wait until she’s by herself to meet her, you’re walking into a situation where she’s going to be WAY more defensive than usual." So learn to be sociable, and just have fun with her friends! If you can make them enjoy your company, getting your "target’s" approval will be a piece of cake.
This is also where it’s good to go with girls in the same social network as you…you already have the approval of mutual friends. The book, Sex in America, says that 60% of married couples meet through friends, work, or mutual activities. For more information on using networking to your benefit, click here.
Finally, the trait all women REALLY want: 7. A man with a purpose. Believe me, women don’t expect every guy they meet to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars, have more power than the mayor, and be more handsome than Brad Pitt. They don’t expect you to be wildly successful. But they DO want you to be headed towards success. They DO want you to have direction. They DO want you to be living up to your potential. And those aren’t bad expectations to have! Remember, "Behind every great man is a great woman." You may not be at the top just yet, but as long as you’re heading there, with goals in life, you’re bound to attract women. And more importantly, reach your own personal success.
I highly suggest you read "The Way of the Superior Man," by David Deida. It details the importance of having a life purpose, both for you and for your girlfriend or wife. The book also explains the very important idea that if someone doesn’t fit into your purpose, or detracts you from it, then she isn’t worth your time. As I said above, don’t just go for any old girl: go for the ones who fit YOU, and who make YOU a better person. That’s what we men should really want!
I hope all of this advice helps you out as you seek to improve yourself and attract the women who matter to you. Remember that it isn’t important to know what the bimbo who wants to spend all your money wants: it’s important to know what women who want to be with you want. Empower yourself by being choosy, and you’ll be sure to attract the woman who’s right for you.
Finally, for more information on attracting the specific women you really want, check out my e-book and audio series. Thanks for reading!
BY:James Brito
The answer isn’t easy to come by. There are as many answers as there are types of women: young, old; fat, skinny; talkative, quiet; beautiful…not so beautiful. They all want different things, different men for their different personalities. It’s enough to drive a man crazy! We want to know so badly what it is women desire that Hollywood addressed the age-old question with the movie "What Women Want" (which, I’m embarrassed to say, I enjoyed).
So, surely…there must be something ALL women want?
That’s the good news: There are certain qualities every woman can appreciate. And as men, that’s what we need to focus on most. Not on what we THINK they want, but on what we can KNOW they want. Maybe we think being 6′5", wealthy, and jacked like a football player is what every woman wants, but (thankfully) it’s not. Only certain women want that, and the groupies who only want a millionaire athlete on steroids usually aren’t even worth your time.
It’s better to focus on the girls YOU really want: the girls who make you feel good, and make you a better man. Empower yourself with a sense of choice, so that you don’t waste your time (and theirs) hitting on girls who don’t fit with your personality and purpose. The great news is, if you can provide the basic qualities that all women REALLY desire, then getting the girl of your dreams will be easy!
So let’s look at some things we can safely say women want in a man–regardless of his size, regardless of his looks, regardless of his wealth.
1. A demonstrative value. That is, women want to know that their man is someone other women would want. They want a certain "gotta have" quality about their man. This is why, when we go out with a girlfriend, women give us looks and always seem more interested. It’s annoying but true: the easiest way to get a girl, is to have one already!
Naturally, that doesn’t mean that you should be hitting on girls when you have a girlfriend. No way! But when you are single, it’s important to know how to show value. I’ve got a great lesson on this in my e-book that will show you everything you need to know: how to make her laugh, how to show a talent, and how to make sure she never leaves you.
There’s so much to learn, but in short, you want to be a guy girls love to be around, and that other girls want to have! If you don’t feel like you’re there right now, do your best to be a fun-loving guy who people enjoy being around. Be quick with a smile, and quick with a joke. Even a guy who smiles a lot can be someone girls want. Who doesn’t enjoy being around someone who’s happy, who lifts the mood of the room?
2. A man who needs her…but not too much. This can greatly value from girl to girl, but basically women DO want to feel appreciated. They just don’t want to be obsessed over. Guys, show interest in a woman, and make her feel beautiful and wanted…but don’t slave over her and make her feel like you can’t live without her. That’s just pathetic, and drives women away.
I wrote a blog on how women want to feel needed. Check it out now if you want to find out how to show your woman the right amount of love.
3. A feeling of security. Women want to feel safe with a man. They want to know that everything’s gonna be all right. This doesn’t mean you have to be huge and strong, or have millions in the bank. It just means you have to talk reassuringly to her, look after her safety, and assure her when she needs it that things are going to be OK.
It also means coming to her protection, when she needs it. If someone is being a jerk to her, stand up for her. If she’s being threatened, fight for her. Let her know that you will fight for her, and nothing will get in your way.
One of the best ways to make her feel confident that you will protect her, of course, is to be…
4. A guy who’s in shape. Okay, I said that you don’t have to be a professional rugby player to attract women, but that doesn’t mean you should let your body slide! Part of a woman’s evolutionary mechanism says that a man who is strong will protect her and the children, as well as produce strong children. Likewise, a man who is weak will produce weak children, and not be able to protect the family as well (if at all) It may occur subconsciously, but it’s there.
So show her your value by being a guy who’s well-built, healthy, and athletic. Join a gym, not just to get women but to improve your health and the way you see yourself. Join a martial arts class–who doesn’t like a guy who can kick some ass? You’ll feel better about yourself, making it easier to pick up girls, and her mating drive will only naturally attract her to you. It’s a win-win situation!
5. Someone who’s not boring. Doesn’t matter how good looking you are…if you bore a woman to tears, she’s not gonna stick around–or even give you a chance, for that matter. Be someone who smiles. Someone who’s quick with a laugh. Someone who doesn’t take life too seriously, who lets loose. That shows a lot more value than a guy who’s stiff and serious–even if he is good looking or wealthy. Believe me, there are lots of guys who have money, who have good looks–but are single, because they’re dull and not fun to be around.
6. Someone who’s good with her friends. You’ve seen it at bars: girls always look to their friends for their approval. Get their friends’ approval, and you get the girl’s approval.
Oftentimes it’s actually best to concentrate on getting to know the girl’s group of friends before you spend time talking to her. If you can make her friends laugh and enjoy your company, getting the girl you want will be a piece of cake!
I really like this piece of advice from Joseph Matthews, aka Thundercat, author of The Art of the Approach, in his free e-newsletter: "Meeting women when they are with their friends is WAY easier than waiting for when they are alone! This is because women with friends feel safe and relaxed, so their defenses aren’t up."
Furthermore, he warns that you’re not doing your chances any favors by waiting til she’s alone: "If you wait until she’s by herself to meet her, you’re walking into a situation where she’s going to be WAY more defensive than usual." So learn to be sociable, and just have fun with her friends! If you can make them enjoy your company, getting your "target’s" approval will be a piece of cake.
This is also where it’s good to go with girls in the same social network as you…you already have the approval of mutual friends. The book, Sex in America, says that 60% of married couples meet through friends, work, or mutual activities. For more information on using networking to your benefit, click here.
Finally, the trait all women REALLY want: 7. A man with a purpose. Believe me, women don’t expect every guy they meet to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars, have more power than the mayor, and be more handsome than Brad Pitt. They don’t expect you to be wildly successful. But they DO want you to be headed towards success. They DO want you to have direction. They DO want you to be living up to your potential. And those aren’t bad expectations to have! Remember, "Behind every great man is a great woman." You may not be at the top just yet, but as long as you’re heading there, with goals in life, you’re bound to attract women. And more importantly, reach your own personal success.
I highly suggest you read "The Way of the Superior Man," by David Deida. It details the importance of having a life purpose, both for you and for your girlfriend or wife. The book also explains the very important idea that if someone doesn’t fit into your purpose, or detracts you from it, then she isn’t worth your time. As I said above, don’t just go for any old girl: go for the ones who fit YOU, and who make YOU a better person. That’s what we men should really want!
I hope all of this advice helps you out as you seek to improve yourself and attract the women who matter to you. Remember that it isn’t important to know what the bimbo who wants to spend all your money wants: it’s important to know what women who want to be with you want. Empower yourself by being choosy, and you’ll be sure to attract the woman who’s right for you.
Finally, for more information on attracting the specific women you really want, check out my e-book and audio series. Thanks for reading!
BY:James Brito
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Men's Guide 2 sex On: Creating the Best Singles Profile for Online Dating Sites
Many times the biggest complaint of singles using online dating sites is that when they sift through the hundreds of pictures and profiles, they finally find someone that looks and reads exactly what they have been searching for and now you finally meet them and all you can say is Wow! That person doesn’t look anything like the photo! Don’t let this happen when someone meets you. Online dating sites can be a lot of fun and help you find that person you are looking for, searching for singles with these dating sites offer many advanced search tools for you to use.
Many people find it hard to describe themselves when doing a profile for an online dating site, so don’t feel alone if you experience this feeling. We are going to give you some tips that we believe will help you write an effective dating profile. It is important to keep in mind that people using online dating sites go through many pictures and profiles before they find the one that they want to start communicating with. When writing your online dating profile think of it as you first conversation you have with that person.
Here are some ideas when you are creating your online dating profile:
1. You must post a photo! Many people do not do this and they are really missing out, just like you do, other online daters like to view photo’s and then read their profile descriptions. Don’t miss that special someone just because you don’t have a current photo.
2. Do not post many pictures doing so could overwhelm your daters.
3. Be sure to post a picture of you solo, you do not want daters trying to figure out which one is you.
4. Be specific and very concise with your highlighted information that you write in your profile and you must make sure the things that you write and post are factual. Strive to make your profile interesting and exciting for someone to read, a good straight to the point dating profile will contain around 225 words.
5. If you have children it is important to tell a little bit about them as they are an important part of your life and you want other online daters to know. Maybe give their ages and whether or not they are still at home living with you.
6. Talk about your career and your future goals that you have in place for your career along with what hobbies that you enjoy to do.
7. Be sure to proof read your dating site profile for spelling errors or poor grammar as this can be a real turnoff.
8. In your profile, be sure to let daters know whether you are looking for a stable long term relationship or possible just a date for this weekend.
BY: Troy James
Many people find it hard to describe themselves when doing a profile for an online dating site, so don’t feel alone if you experience this feeling. We are going to give you some tips that we believe will help you write an effective dating profile. It is important to keep in mind that people using online dating sites go through many pictures and profiles before they find the one that they want to start communicating with. When writing your online dating profile think of it as you first conversation you have with that person.
Here are some ideas when you are creating your online dating profile:
1. You must post a photo! Many people do not do this and they are really missing out, just like you do, other online daters like to view photo’s and then read their profile descriptions. Don’t miss that special someone just because you don’t have a current photo.
2. Do not post many pictures doing so could overwhelm your daters.
3. Be sure to post a picture of you solo, you do not want daters trying to figure out which one is you.
4. Be specific and very concise with your highlighted information that you write in your profile and you must make sure the things that you write and post are factual. Strive to make your profile interesting and exciting for someone to read, a good straight to the point dating profile will contain around 225 words.
5. If you have children it is important to tell a little bit about them as they are an important part of your life and you want other online daters to know. Maybe give their ages and whether or not they are still at home living with you.
6. Talk about your career and your future goals that you have in place for your career along with what hobbies that you enjoy to do.
7. Be sure to proof read your dating site profile for spelling errors or poor grammar as this can be a real turnoff.
8. In your profile, be sure to let daters know whether you are looking for a stable long term relationship or possible just a date for this weekend.
BY: Troy James
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Mens guide 2 Sex On: How To Recover From A Disastrous First Date
You know the feeling. You close the door behind you and let out a big sigh. It didn't go well. In fact, it was a disaster.
First dates are stressful even when everything goes right. When you or the other person messes up, a couple hours can seem like an eternity. But after the date is over, what you do next can etch the bad experience into your mind or help you overcome it. Here are some things you can do to recover from a disastrous first date.
1. Forgive yourself.
Most of us, when under stress, do things we wouldn't normally do. If you talked too much--or not enough--if you laughed too much, if you overreacted to some statement, or if you behaved in a way that was out of character for you, don't beat yourself up. We're often harder on ourselves than we would be on another person. Show some compassion toward yourself. Acknowledge that you did the best you could under the circumstances. Admit that it's natural to feel nervous on a first date. Remember that nobody is perfect, and if you didn't act like you should have, it isn't the end of the world. Be kind to yourself by not falling into the self-punishment trap. It's important to recognize that negative reaction and cut it off as quickly as possible. If you can't seem to be objective about it, talk it over with a trusted friend.
2. Forgive the other person.
If you're a decent judge of character, you can usually tell when someone was motivated by nervousness or lack of confidence. Just as you shouldn't be too hard on yourself, you shouldn't beat up the other person either. By taking for granted that first dates usually don't go well, you take a big step forward in emotional maturity. Some people approach first dates with the idea that they're something to get over with and put in the past. The anxiety of trying to impress the other person frequently causes something to go wrong. Unless the other person was abusive or rude, they deserve a second chance.
3. Be prepared to move on.
If you did something awkward or that warrants an apology, sending flowers is a polite thing to do. And yes, men love to receive flowers! But be prepared if the other person doesn't wish to see you again, then don't pester them. Unwanted pursuit of another person is stalking. No matter how much you like the other person or are attracted to them, stop it. You'll only embarrass yourself or get in trouble with the law.
4. Don't let the experience affect your self-confidence.
See yourself as a worthwhile, attractive person. You have many good qualities, and just because this person didn't recognize them, that doesn't mean there isn't someone else out there who can. If the other person doesn't want to see you again, they represent only their opinion, not everyone's of the opposite sex. A person who believes in himself or herself exudes an attractiveness that can't be faked.
5. Look for the lesson.
You are a work-in-progress. Wisdom is the sum of knowledge and experience, so take those two and figure out what you can learn from that first date. We all make mistakes, but if we're wise, we won't make the same mistake twice. Make up your mind to do things differently the next time, or if you weren't to blame, decide not to feel guilty when things don't work out. You deserve someone who will appreciate you for who you really are. Resolve, above everything else, to be kind, honest, and authentic. Eventually you'll meet someone with those same qualities, and that's when the real fun begins!
BY: Jack Zavada
First dates are stressful even when everything goes right. When you or the other person messes up, a couple hours can seem like an eternity. But after the date is over, what you do next can etch the bad experience into your mind or help you overcome it. Here are some things you can do to recover from a disastrous first date.
1. Forgive yourself.
Most of us, when under stress, do things we wouldn't normally do. If you talked too much--or not enough--if you laughed too much, if you overreacted to some statement, or if you behaved in a way that was out of character for you, don't beat yourself up. We're often harder on ourselves than we would be on another person. Show some compassion toward yourself. Acknowledge that you did the best you could under the circumstances. Admit that it's natural to feel nervous on a first date. Remember that nobody is perfect, and if you didn't act like you should have, it isn't the end of the world. Be kind to yourself by not falling into the self-punishment trap. It's important to recognize that negative reaction and cut it off as quickly as possible. If you can't seem to be objective about it, talk it over with a trusted friend.
2. Forgive the other person.
If you're a decent judge of character, you can usually tell when someone was motivated by nervousness or lack of confidence. Just as you shouldn't be too hard on yourself, you shouldn't beat up the other person either. By taking for granted that first dates usually don't go well, you take a big step forward in emotional maturity. Some people approach first dates with the idea that they're something to get over with and put in the past. The anxiety of trying to impress the other person frequently causes something to go wrong. Unless the other person was abusive or rude, they deserve a second chance.
3. Be prepared to move on.
If you did something awkward or that warrants an apology, sending flowers is a polite thing to do. And yes, men love to receive flowers! But be prepared if the other person doesn't wish to see you again, then don't pester them. Unwanted pursuit of another person is stalking. No matter how much you like the other person or are attracted to them, stop it. You'll only embarrass yourself or get in trouble with the law.
4. Don't let the experience affect your self-confidence.
See yourself as a worthwhile, attractive person. You have many good qualities, and just because this person didn't recognize them, that doesn't mean there isn't someone else out there who can. If the other person doesn't want to see you again, they represent only their opinion, not everyone's of the opposite sex. A person who believes in himself or herself exudes an attractiveness that can't be faked.
5. Look for the lesson.
You are a work-in-progress. Wisdom is the sum of knowledge and experience, so take those two and figure out what you can learn from that first date. We all make mistakes, but if we're wise, we won't make the same mistake twice. Make up your mind to do things differently the next time, or if you weren't to blame, decide not to feel guilty when things don't work out. You deserve someone who will appreciate you for who you really are. Resolve, above everything else, to be kind, honest, and authentic. Eventually you'll meet someone with those same qualities, and that's when the real fun begins!
BY: Jack Zavada
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Mens guide 2 Sex On: How Ugly Men Date Beautiful Women
It's truly unfortunate that everyone, at one point in time, has felt unattractive. Reasons may vary, but it's a sad fact that even the most beautiful woman has finds flaws about themselves that made them feel ugly.
For men - their visual nature can often times make them very critical of their own appearance. There is always something that makes us feel as though we are ugly.
Maybe it's the fact that we are too short, or fat, or bald, or old? There are any number of factors that make us feel "unworthy" of the attentions of beautiful women.
But if that was the case - no one would ever be able to attract a woman at all!
In fact, the next time you're out, take a mental note of every guy you see with an attractive girl, and try and appraise whether or not you think that guy's looks are worthy of the girl he's with.
Sure, sometimes you'll find a guy who's with a girl and they are both fine credits to their species. But most of the time, what you'll find is the guys with really hot and appealing women range from "average" to "ugly" in the looks department.
That's because beauty - in men - is the exception, not the standard.
But more than that, men rely on factors OTHER than their looks to help attract women to them.
There are three major factors that most men try and utilize to the best of their ability when attracting new and exciting women to them. They are:
1. Wealth
2. Social Status
3. Personality
Let's go through these one at a time...
The first factor, wealth, is fairly obvious. Women like rich men. Understand that being a "provider" is what this represents. You'll get their attention for sure, and what woman doesn't want to be secure and pampered?
However, there is a big problem with this tactic. First of all, not everyone is rich or wealthy, so this factor is reserved for the few that are. More than that, women often feel like you're trying to "bribe" or "impress" them with your wealth, and because of that, they will treat you more like an ATM machine with feet, rather than a loving, caring, mate.
Understand, there is nothing really wrong with using financial success as a tactic. Be aware of the pitfalls and make sure you actually have the money to do so.
The second factor is social status. Women are very attuned to the social hierarchies of things, so having a "high status" around women definitely makes any man more attractive.
This status comes from holding a certain position of power. It could be an important job, some type of fame, or just the esteem of your peers.
However, one of the difficulties with this is that you need to be able to display social status. You can't just tell someone "I'm a very important person" and have them believe it. They have to get a sense of it themselves, and sometimes your situation is not conducive to communicating this (like meeting a woman on the street for instance. She has no idea who you are!).
Also - not everyone has a high social status. Some people are content with maintaining a medium to low level status. Where does that leave these people?
With the THIRD factor - that of Personality. The thing I like about personality is that it's something EVERYONE can use to attract the kind of women they desire, and it doesn't matter how much money you make or what your social situation is like.
Having an attractive personality is the best way for "average" or "unattractive" men to get women interested in them. Being able to make a woman laugh will turn her on more than a guy with big muscles and a full head of hair.
Understand that women are slaves to their emotions, and your personality is the method by which you trigger emotions inside a woman!
The better your personality, the better you're able to make a woman feel.
And your personality is something that can be changed and cultivated over time. You can make yourself into anything you want to be! It's truly amazing how some "losers" can become "rockstars" in the eyes of their friends and the women they like just by tweaking their personality a little bit.
So how do you do this?
The first step is to really work on your confidence. The more confident you are, the better you're able to display your personality.
Working on your social skills will also help you to be relaxed and have fun around women. This will create new opportunities for attraction.
And learning how to create strong emotional bonds is also the best way there is to get a woman emotionally attached to you.
Learn these three techniques, and you'll be able to gain the heart of any woman you want. It doesn't matter how you look either!
For men - their visual nature can often times make them very critical of their own appearance. There is always something that makes us feel as though we are ugly.
Maybe it's the fact that we are too short, or fat, or bald, or old? There are any number of factors that make us feel "unworthy" of the attentions of beautiful women.
But if that was the case - no one would ever be able to attract a woman at all!
In fact, the next time you're out, take a mental note of every guy you see with an attractive girl, and try and appraise whether or not you think that guy's looks are worthy of the girl he's with.
Sure, sometimes you'll find a guy who's with a girl and they are both fine credits to their species. But most of the time, what you'll find is the guys with really hot and appealing women range from "average" to "ugly" in the looks department.
That's because beauty - in men - is the exception, not the standard.
But more than that, men rely on factors OTHER than their looks to help attract women to them.
There are three major factors that most men try and utilize to the best of their ability when attracting new and exciting women to them. They are:
1. Wealth
2. Social Status
3. Personality
Let's go through these one at a time...
The first factor, wealth, is fairly obvious. Women like rich men. Understand that being a "provider" is what this represents. You'll get their attention for sure, and what woman doesn't want to be secure and pampered?
However, there is a big problem with this tactic. First of all, not everyone is rich or wealthy, so this factor is reserved for the few that are. More than that, women often feel like you're trying to "bribe" or "impress" them with your wealth, and because of that, they will treat you more like an ATM machine with feet, rather than a loving, caring, mate.
Understand, there is nothing really wrong with using financial success as a tactic. Be aware of the pitfalls and make sure you actually have the money to do so.
The second factor is social status. Women are very attuned to the social hierarchies of things, so having a "high status" around women definitely makes any man more attractive.
This status comes from holding a certain position of power. It could be an important job, some type of fame, or just the esteem of your peers.
However, one of the difficulties with this is that you need to be able to display social status. You can't just tell someone "I'm a very important person" and have them believe it. They have to get a sense of it themselves, and sometimes your situation is not conducive to communicating this (like meeting a woman on the street for instance. She has no idea who you are!).
Also - not everyone has a high social status. Some people are content with maintaining a medium to low level status. Where does that leave these people?
With the THIRD factor - that of Personality. The thing I like about personality is that it's something EVERYONE can use to attract the kind of women they desire, and it doesn't matter how much money you make or what your social situation is like.
Having an attractive personality is the best way for "average" or "unattractive" men to get women interested in them. Being able to make a woman laugh will turn her on more than a guy with big muscles and a full head of hair.
Understand that women are slaves to their emotions, and your personality is the method by which you trigger emotions inside a woman!
The better your personality, the better you're able to make a woman feel.
And your personality is something that can be changed and cultivated over time. You can make yourself into anything you want to be! It's truly amazing how some "losers" can become "rockstars" in the eyes of their friends and the women they like just by tweaking their personality a little bit.
So how do you do this?
The first step is to really work on your confidence. The more confident you are, the better you're able to display your personality.
Working on your social skills will also help you to be relaxed and have fun around women. This will create new opportunities for attraction.
And learning how to create strong emotional bonds is also the best way there is to get a woman emotionally attached to you.
Learn these three techniques, and you'll be able to gain the heart of any woman you want. It doesn't matter how you look either!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Men's Guide 2 Sex On: How A Man’s Kiss Affects A Woman
Your first kiss will determine if you get an invitation or a handshake
When it comes to kissing, you have to approach it with the right attitude. It is an experience to be enjoyed in and of itself, not just a stepping-stone to sex. Yes, of course we want it to lead to the bedroom and if done correctly, it probably will, but you need to experience and really enjoy the act of kissing. A woman will feel your kiss with great sensitivity and she will know if it is sincere or not. And if you really kiss with purpose, you'll enjoy it and thereby also be good at it.
Kissing not only involves the lips, but the whole body and mind, and, if you do it right, the soul. First know how to enjoy kissing before you can expect a woman to enjoy kissing you. Kissing is a process, not an act.
The way to enjoy kissing is to be sensitive to the closeness and touching of lips and tongues. Focus on your lips and hers. Enjoy the sensation. Let your mind wander with what you are feeling. Women are touchy-feely and it's all about emotions and heady stuff like that and most of us guys don't really understand and really don't want to, but we have to deal with it. And, again, if you go with the flow and catch the feeling, so to speak, you might find yourself on a new plane of pleasure. Kissing is a wonderful experience if you let it be. I’m reminded of a time when a kiss created the setting for a night of bliss that illustrates one of those wonderful kissing experiences.
I was visiting my parents at my boyhood home in Italy on the Mediterranean coast some years ago, the time not being of importance. After hooking up with old time friends and hitting the social scene, it was not long before my eyes met those of a fair young lady. We hit it right off after a brief introductory chat and from there the night flowed like wine at an Italian wedding.
As the night turned into the wee hours of the morning, we strolled as lovers would in an old time movie through the city square. As she twirled in front of me, arms outstretched and hair flowing so beautifully, I gently stepped closer. Seeing the impassioned look on my face, she slowly glided around and leaned into my arms. I pulled her close to me, looked into her eyes, and whispered a sweet compliment. She smiled and I kissed her. The kind of kiss that brought out all her passions and erased her inhibitions. It was a night that she will always remember as I do. I remember all my moments with women, even though there have been hundreds of them.
The beginning to a great night with a beautiful woman can end with a handshake if she does not like the way you kiss. If you want her to spread her legs, you first have to know how to spread her lips.
By: Rudy Casanova
When it comes to kissing, you have to approach it with the right attitude. It is an experience to be enjoyed in and of itself, not just a stepping-stone to sex. Yes, of course we want it to lead to the bedroom and if done correctly, it probably will, but you need to experience and really enjoy the act of kissing. A woman will feel your kiss with great sensitivity and she will know if it is sincere or not. And if you really kiss with purpose, you'll enjoy it and thereby also be good at it.
Kissing not only involves the lips, but the whole body and mind, and, if you do it right, the soul. First know how to enjoy kissing before you can expect a woman to enjoy kissing you. Kissing is a process, not an act.
The way to enjoy kissing is to be sensitive to the closeness and touching of lips and tongues. Focus on your lips and hers. Enjoy the sensation. Let your mind wander with what you are feeling. Women are touchy-feely and it's all about emotions and heady stuff like that and most of us guys don't really understand and really don't want to, but we have to deal with it. And, again, if you go with the flow and catch the feeling, so to speak, you might find yourself on a new plane of pleasure. Kissing is a wonderful experience if you let it be. I’m reminded of a time when a kiss created the setting for a night of bliss that illustrates one of those wonderful kissing experiences.
I was visiting my parents at my boyhood home in Italy on the Mediterranean coast some years ago, the time not being of importance. After hooking up with old time friends and hitting the social scene, it was not long before my eyes met those of a fair young lady. We hit it right off after a brief introductory chat and from there the night flowed like wine at an Italian wedding.
As the night turned into the wee hours of the morning, we strolled as lovers would in an old time movie through the city square. As she twirled in front of me, arms outstretched and hair flowing so beautifully, I gently stepped closer. Seeing the impassioned look on my face, she slowly glided around and leaned into my arms. I pulled her close to me, looked into her eyes, and whispered a sweet compliment. She smiled and I kissed her. The kind of kiss that brought out all her passions and erased her inhibitions. It was a night that she will always remember as I do. I remember all my moments with women, even though there have been hundreds of them.
The beginning to a great night with a beautiful woman can end with a handshake if she does not like the way you kiss. If you want her to spread her legs, you first have to know how to spread her lips.
By: Rudy Casanova
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Mens guide 2 Sex On: Getting Her to Return That Call
This is a very familiar, and common thing to have happen - you find a very attractive young lady, chat her up, and wind up getting her number. You then call her.
Then it happens. Time passes, and no return call. So you try again and leave a message.
Again, no return phone call.
Not wanting to seem "desperate," you play it cool, wait a day or two, and then try calling her one more time.
You try and sound cheery when her voicemail picks up. You remind her who you are, and you ask her - almost BEG her - to call you back.
And again, you hear nothing. Eventually, you give up, another opportunity with a beautiful girl wasted!
So many guys have no idea why this happens. After all, if the girl didn't want to talk to you, why did she give you her number in the first place?
This is what is actually happening here. A woman generally gives out her number in these scenarios for two reasons.
REASON 1: They genuinely like you and want to hear from you again.
REASON 2: She doesn't care to hear from you again, but it's easy (and safe) to blow you off this way without being rude.
If reason #2 is the case, there's very little you can do to get the girl to call you back, because by that time, you've probably "blown" your chance.
But when it comes to reason #1, you're STILL not very lucky!
See - even if a girl genuinely likes you, and wants to call you back, there are any NUMBER of things that could interfere with her doing so.
She could get busy, she could get sick, she could have some sort of crisis with her favorite pet... the list goes on and on.
So what does that mean to you? Are you destined to simply never have a girl you like return your phone call?
Lucky for you, the answer is NO. There are some things you can do to get a girl to call you back.
First things first, you need to make sure you get her REAL number to begin with.
Girls get asked for their number so often by guys, that many women have taken up the practice of giving out fake numbers. So when you ask for her number, you want to be sure she's actually interested enough to give you the real deal.
If the girl is not interested, don't bother asking for her number. Instead, ask for something a little less personal, like her email address or myspace page.
If she is interested, try this trick - ask for her phone, and then call yourself with it so that her number is in your phone, then save that number. This way, you know for a FACT you have her actual phone number.
(And while your at it, you can actually save your number in her phone so she knows its you when you call. This is important because lots of people don't pick up unknown numbers!)
Okay, so you have the number, now what? You need to give her a REASON to return your call!
Too often, guys will just call up a girl and leave a message like "Hey, it's Mike, we met the other night. Call me back. Later!"
How about trying something a bit more URGENT. It could be as simple as:
"Hey, it's Mike from the other night. You're not going to believe what I'm watching right now, its going to crack you up. Call me back!"
Creating an "open" conversation loop and some type of curiosity will help encourage a girl to call you back, because naturally, she'll want to find out what it was that you thought she'd find amusing.
This is just one example - there are lots of different ways for you to create curiosity over the phone. You can even go so far as to recall a conversation you had when you first met, so that she'll remember the feelings she experienced when she was around you.
But most of all - do NOT get frustrated if you don't hear back from her right away! Girls get busy, so you need to change tactics.
Try texting her instead of calling. Ask when she will be available to talk. It's VERY rare that a woman won't have time for a small text reply.
Once you figure out how this all works, getting a girl to call you back is pretty easy.
By: Getting Her to Return That Call
By: Joseph Matthew
Then it happens. Time passes, and no return call. So you try again and leave a message.
Again, no return phone call.
Not wanting to seem "desperate," you play it cool, wait a day or two, and then try calling her one more time.
You try and sound cheery when her voicemail picks up. You remind her who you are, and you ask her - almost BEG her - to call you back.
And again, you hear nothing. Eventually, you give up, another opportunity with a beautiful girl wasted!
So many guys have no idea why this happens. After all, if the girl didn't want to talk to you, why did she give you her number in the first place?
This is what is actually happening here. A woman generally gives out her number in these scenarios for two reasons.
REASON 1: They genuinely like you and want to hear from you again.
REASON 2: She doesn't care to hear from you again, but it's easy (and safe) to blow you off this way without being rude.
If reason #2 is the case, there's very little you can do to get the girl to call you back, because by that time, you've probably "blown" your chance.
But when it comes to reason #1, you're STILL not very lucky!
See - even if a girl genuinely likes you, and wants to call you back, there are any NUMBER of things that could interfere with her doing so.
She could get busy, she could get sick, she could have some sort of crisis with her favorite pet... the list goes on and on.
So what does that mean to you? Are you destined to simply never have a girl you like return your phone call?
Lucky for you, the answer is NO. There are some things you can do to get a girl to call you back.
First things first, you need to make sure you get her REAL number to begin with.
Girls get asked for their number so often by guys, that many women have taken up the practice of giving out fake numbers. So when you ask for her number, you want to be sure she's actually interested enough to give you the real deal.
If the girl is not interested, don't bother asking for her number. Instead, ask for something a little less personal, like her email address or myspace page.
If she is interested, try this trick - ask for her phone, and then call yourself with it so that her number is in your phone, then save that number. This way, you know for a FACT you have her actual phone number.
(And while your at it, you can actually save your number in her phone so she knows its you when you call. This is important because lots of people don't pick up unknown numbers!)
Okay, so you have the number, now what? You need to give her a REASON to return your call!
Too often, guys will just call up a girl and leave a message like "Hey, it's Mike, we met the other night. Call me back. Later!"
How about trying something a bit more URGENT. It could be as simple as:
"Hey, it's Mike from the other night. You're not going to believe what I'm watching right now, its going to crack you up. Call me back!"
Creating an "open" conversation loop and some type of curiosity will help encourage a girl to call you back, because naturally, she'll want to find out what it was that you thought she'd find amusing.
This is just one example - there are lots of different ways for you to create curiosity over the phone. You can even go so far as to recall a conversation you had when you first met, so that she'll remember the feelings she experienced when she was around you.
But most of all - do NOT get frustrated if you don't hear back from her right away! Girls get busy, so you need to change tactics.
Try texting her instead of calling. Ask when she will be available to talk. It's VERY rare that a woman won't have time for a small text reply.
Once you figure out how this all works, getting a girl to call you back is pretty easy.
By: Getting Her to Return That Call
By: Joseph Matthew
Mens Guide 2 Sex On: Art of Flirting
Flirting is the way most people determine whether or not a member of the opposite sex is interested in them. Following is a quick outline on how you should go about the complex, sometimes fun, sometimes not so fun, task of flirting. It all beings with your approach.
The Approach
One person approaches the other. They move into closer physical proximity. This much is clear: NO approach equals NO possibility of initiating contact. You must approach!
Example: A woman sits down next to a man in a coffee shop, or a man stands near a woman in a dance club. This is the first step. Once you approach, you begin looking for the signs.
The Signs
The person who has been approached will always signal the other’s presence in some way…a sign. This signal is not like a train whistle, however, more a subtle body language which you can learn to recognize. For example, he or she simply may look up, move over to make room, nod slightly, or signal with a glancing eye contact.
A display of total obliviousness to the one who is approaching generally indicates lack of interest altogether. Don’t be discouraged. But if the one you approached shows absolutely no interest, then it’s time to re-group and try again. But let’s say the approach works. You have your positive acknowledgement, now what? Time to talk
The Verbal Exchange
The two people may then engage in a mild verbal exchange about impersonal, unimportant matters such as the weather or the scene around them. The key word here is MILD.
This is the classic place for the clever “line,” but cleverness is not required. At this point, a verbal exchange is not for the purpose of sharing valuable insights about life or determining philosophical compatibility. It is just a vehicle to further the developing contact.
Examples: Verbal overtures might include anything from “please pass the pickles” to “your looking great tonight”, to “have you seen the waitress?”. Without some form of verbal response, it is highly unlikely that the next step will occur. Let’s say all is going as planned. Time for body language.
Body Language
Over a period of time, a couple that has begun to talk may also begin to orient themselves physically to one another, to turn toward one another until, if all is goes well, they are fully facing one another. This is your goal.
This step can take minutes or hours . . . or weeks or months . . . to achieve. Yet, without this physical reorientation toward one another, not very much can ever happen, so give up on people who turn their back toward you for long periods of time! But if they don’t…
The woman or the man (most often the woman) touches the other in a light, fleeting way. Examples: A couple might accidentally brush their hands against one another while reaching for a drink, or the woman might pat the man on the arm in the middle of a shared joke. The exchange of very subtle, almost glancing touches may continue for some while, and if all goes well, can escalate into the casual affections shown by couples who are dating. If you’ve reached this point, then flirting has now become the beginning of a relationship. The Art of Flirting should always end with the beginning of a relationship. Now get out there and flirt.
The Art of Flirting is really the Art of making first contact. You only have one shot at making a great first impression. By following some of the guidelines we’ve established in this article, you should now be equipped to locate, approach, and ascertain whether or not your subtle flirting has opened the doors to a new and exciting relationship.
By: Andre Leblanc
The Approach
One person approaches the other. They move into closer physical proximity. This much is clear: NO approach equals NO possibility of initiating contact. You must approach!
Example: A woman sits down next to a man in a coffee shop, or a man stands near a woman in a dance club. This is the first step. Once you approach, you begin looking for the signs.
The Signs
The person who has been approached will always signal the other’s presence in some way…a sign. This signal is not like a train whistle, however, more a subtle body language which you can learn to recognize. For example, he or she simply may look up, move over to make room, nod slightly, or signal with a glancing eye contact.
A display of total obliviousness to the one who is approaching generally indicates lack of interest altogether. Don’t be discouraged. But if the one you approached shows absolutely no interest, then it’s time to re-group and try again. But let’s say the approach works. You have your positive acknowledgement, now what? Time to talk
The Verbal Exchange
The two people may then engage in a mild verbal exchange about impersonal, unimportant matters such as the weather or the scene around them. The key word here is MILD.
This is the classic place for the clever “line,” but cleverness is not required. At this point, a verbal exchange is not for the purpose of sharing valuable insights about life or determining philosophical compatibility. It is just a vehicle to further the developing contact.
Examples: Verbal overtures might include anything from “please pass the pickles” to “your looking great tonight”, to “have you seen the waitress?”. Without some form of verbal response, it is highly unlikely that the next step will occur. Let’s say all is going as planned. Time for body language.
Body Language
Over a period of time, a couple that has begun to talk may also begin to orient themselves physically to one another, to turn toward one another until, if all is goes well, they are fully facing one another. This is your goal.
This step can take minutes or hours . . . or weeks or months . . . to achieve. Yet, without this physical reorientation toward one another, not very much can ever happen, so give up on people who turn their back toward you for long periods of time! But if they don’t…
The woman or the man (most often the woman) touches the other in a light, fleeting way. Examples: A couple might accidentally brush their hands against one another while reaching for a drink, or the woman might pat the man on the arm in the middle of a shared joke. The exchange of very subtle, almost glancing touches may continue for some while, and if all goes well, can escalate into the casual affections shown by couples who are dating. If you’ve reached this point, then flirting has now become the beginning of a relationship. The Art of Flirting should always end with the beginning of a relationship. Now get out there and flirt.
The Art of Flirting is really the Art of making first contact. You only have one shot at making a great first impression. By following some of the guidelines we’ve established in this article, you should now be equipped to locate, approach, and ascertain whether or not your subtle flirting has opened the doors to a new and exciting relationship.
By: Andre Leblanc
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Men's Guide 2 Sex On: Tantric Techniques for How to Please a Woman
It’s not what you think! It's not about where to kiss or lick or rub or how hard or how fast. Its not about harder, longer erections (although those are also very nice!) A woman's body and her responses are so changeable. What pleased her last week does nothing for her tonight.
Many men learn about women's sexuality from pornography. I have nothing against pornography and I quite enjoy some pornography myself. But, the depiction of women's sexuality in pornography is simply not accurate. Many women compound this lack of information by expecting her man to know how to please her without telling him. You can encourage her to communicate with you. You can also learn to expand your consciousness so that you can sense what she desires without her telling you in words.
She needs is your full attention. She needs to trust that you are there with her with your complete presence. If your mind wanders to your car or your career or the bills due at the end of the month, she can feel it and she loses trust.
Improving your ability to please a woman is very like learning to play a musical instrument. It takes practice, patience and experience to make beautiful music. You master the basics before moving on to advanced techniques. Here are some good basic practices for you to start with. Learning to please a partner with Tantric teachings starts with practices you do by yourself. While pleasuring yourself, expand your attention to your entire body: your toes and fingers and top of your head and everything in between. When you can do this at the height of arousal, expand your consciousness to your entire body and to your surroundings, noise from the street, light in the room, air temperature, the bed against your back, the trees seen through the window. Next, do these consciousness practices with your partner. And, finally, expand your consciousness to your entire body, your surroundings and your partner’s body as she experiences being in it at each moment. If your mouth is on her breast, imagine how it feels to have a breast and feel someone’s mouth on it. When you master this expansion of consciousness, you will simply know without effort what she wants from you in any moment.
Send energy into her body with your mind.
Tantra teaches us that a man yearns to empty himself out and a woman yearns to be filled up. There are many ways to do this in addition to the physical sex act. You can penetrate a woman with your consciousness, your energy and your attention before or while you penetrate her with parts of your body. The practice in the above paragraph is one way to do this. As you expand your consciousness to include her body as she experiences being in it, you penetrate with your energy. She will feel the difference! She may not be aware of why, but she will feel more trust and connection. She will feel more alive. Another wonderful practice is to use your mind to send energy into her body through your fingers. Imagine that there is a fire in your hand (which there is!) and think about sending the warmth and light from that fire into her body.
And finally, be aware that a woman experiences her sexuality and emotions very differently from a man. I believe very strongly in letting men be men and letting women be women and celebrating the differences and the gifts that we bring to each other. But I also believe it is helpful to understand these differences. For a man, sex and love are very separate experiences. A man can learn to connect his heart and sexual energy if he wishes and there are benefits to this. For a woman, love and sex are much more naturally linked. When you take a woman in your arms, remember that she is experiencing that time with you with her heart as well as her sexual body.
By: Nancy Ibsen
Many men learn about women's sexuality from pornography. I have nothing against pornography and I quite enjoy some pornography myself. But, the depiction of women's sexuality in pornography is simply not accurate. Many women compound this lack of information by expecting her man to know how to please her without telling him. You can encourage her to communicate with you. You can also learn to expand your consciousness so that you can sense what she desires without her telling you in words.
She needs is your full attention. She needs to trust that you are there with her with your complete presence. If your mind wanders to your car or your career or the bills due at the end of the month, she can feel it and she loses trust.
Improving your ability to please a woman is very like learning to play a musical instrument. It takes practice, patience and experience to make beautiful music. You master the basics before moving on to advanced techniques. Here are some good basic practices for you to start with. Learning to please a partner with Tantric teachings starts with practices you do by yourself. While pleasuring yourself, expand your attention to your entire body: your toes and fingers and top of your head and everything in between. When you can do this at the height of arousal, expand your consciousness to your entire body and to your surroundings, noise from the street, light in the room, air temperature, the bed against your back, the trees seen through the window. Next, do these consciousness practices with your partner. And, finally, expand your consciousness to your entire body, your surroundings and your partner’s body as she experiences being in it at each moment. If your mouth is on her breast, imagine how it feels to have a breast and feel someone’s mouth on it. When you master this expansion of consciousness, you will simply know without effort what she wants from you in any moment.
Send energy into her body with your mind.
Tantra teaches us that a man yearns to empty himself out and a woman yearns to be filled up. There are many ways to do this in addition to the physical sex act. You can penetrate a woman with your consciousness, your energy and your attention before or while you penetrate her with parts of your body. The practice in the above paragraph is one way to do this. As you expand your consciousness to include her body as she experiences being in it, you penetrate with your energy. She will feel the difference! She may not be aware of why, but she will feel more trust and connection. She will feel more alive. Another wonderful practice is to use your mind to send energy into her body through your fingers. Imagine that there is a fire in your hand (which there is!) and think about sending the warmth and light from that fire into her body.
And finally, be aware that a woman experiences her sexuality and emotions very differently from a man. I believe very strongly in letting men be men and letting women be women and celebrating the differences and the gifts that we bring to each other. But I also believe it is helpful to understand these differences. For a man, sex and love are very separate experiences. A man can learn to connect his heart and sexual energy if he wishes and there are benefits to this. For a woman, love and sex are much more naturally linked. When you take a woman in your arms, remember that she is experiencing that time with you with her heart as well as her sexual body.
By: Nancy Ibsen
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Mens guide 2 Sex On: How to Seduce a Woman Utilizing 'Deflection Theory’
There’s something that often happens when you’re out playing the ‘seduction game’ – that is, when you’re actively looking out for girls you think you’d like to hook-up with. Many men have experienced it, and many thousands of men still do experience it when they themselves are out playing the game. It usually goes something like this: you’re in a group, talking to a couple of girls. You’re with a friend or two, perhaps having drinks in a bar or at a party. You’ve got your eye on one girl in the group in particular and want to make something happen, make a bit of a connection. Thing is, she’s proving the hardest to connect to – sure, she smiles and talks to you nicely and politely, but she’s not returning your flirtatious gestures and comments much, if at all. It’s like she’s playing hard to get or something, whereas her female friends seem to be much more playful and flirty.
This doesn’t happen because you aren’t her type or just because sometimes these things happen (or don’t) – there’s a different, special reason the girl you’re interested in doesn’t appear to be interested in you and it’s got a lot to do with psychology and social standing. You see, when you show you’re interested in a good-looking girl who’s with her friends, you inadvertently bump up her ego and feeling of self-worth. She knows you’ve chosen and are most interested in her and likes this feeling of elevated importance. However, she also knows that if she reacts by becoming really flirty and obviously attracted to YOU, she’ll lose the higher social value she has over her friends (probably the reason you targeted her in the first place), so she therefore maintains her unattainable, “I’m a bit too good for you” status.
However, you can blow this problem out of the water by using DEFLECTION THEORY. You turn the situation on its head and reverse the psychology of your target female by deflecting your attention AWAY from her and ONTO one or more of her friends. When you show her friends (who have lower social value/worth than your target female) more attention and affection, you challenge her ego. So, in an effort to regain her superiority in the hierarchy of her circle of friends, the girl you’re really interested in will subconsciously invest much MORE interest in you by flirting and being playful. As so many women do, she gives into wanting what she feels she cannot have – and, of course, you’ll be happy to have her. She is, after all, the hottest of the group and the one you wanted in the first place. Here’s how to deflect your attention onto one of her friends to make her (the girl you want) feel as if her ego has been challenged and thus make her feel an instant and undeniable desire to get your attention and “win” you back.
1. Use strong eye contact when talking to all of the girls. However, when you’re talking to your target female, occasionally glance away and towards one of the other girls (who will probably be talking amongst themselves or to your friend/friends if you’re with any) and give a slight smile before looking back at your target. This jackhammers a sense of competition into the subconscious mind of the girl you’re really interested in and immediately makes her want to fight for your attention.
2. Casually make physical contact with her friends more than her. For example, touch them on the side of their arm to get their attention or when laughing and joking.
3. When sitting down or standing around talking as a group, face slightly more (as in, the direction of your body/torso) in the direction of one of her friends more than her.
Using deflection theory to challenge a girl you’re interested in’s ego and therefore make her want you more is just one psychological technique you can use to boost your pick-up game. Combine it with others and you maximize your success with the opposite sex in ways most men have and never will experience. You can be the guy that gets the girl!
By: Tiffany Taylor
This doesn’t happen because you aren’t her type or just because sometimes these things happen (or don’t) – there’s a different, special reason the girl you’re interested in doesn’t appear to be interested in you and it’s got a lot to do with psychology and social standing. You see, when you show you’re interested in a good-looking girl who’s with her friends, you inadvertently bump up her ego and feeling of self-worth. She knows you’ve chosen and are most interested in her and likes this feeling of elevated importance. However, she also knows that if she reacts by becoming really flirty and obviously attracted to YOU, she’ll lose the higher social value she has over her friends (probably the reason you targeted her in the first place), so she therefore maintains her unattainable, “I’m a bit too good for you” status.
However, you can blow this problem out of the water by using DEFLECTION THEORY. You turn the situation on its head and reverse the psychology of your target female by deflecting your attention AWAY from her and ONTO one or more of her friends. When you show her friends (who have lower social value/worth than your target female) more attention and affection, you challenge her ego. So, in an effort to regain her superiority in the hierarchy of her circle of friends, the girl you’re really interested in will subconsciously invest much MORE interest in you by flirting and being playful. As so many women do, she gives into wanting what she feels she cannot have – and, of course, you’ll be happy to have her. She is, after all, the hottest of the group and the one you wanted in the first place. Here’s how to deflect your attention onto one of her friends to make her (the girl you want) feel as if her ego has been challenged and thus make her feel an instant and undeniable desire to get your attention and “win” you back.
1. Use strong eye contact when talking to all of the girls. However, when you’re talking to your target female, occasionally glance away and towards one of the other girls (who will probably be talking amongst themselves or to your friend/friends if you’re with any) and give a slight smile before looking back at your target. This jackhammers a sense of competition into the subconscious mind of the girl you’re really interested in and immediately makes her want to fight for your attention.
2. Casually make physical contact with her friends more than her. For example, touch them on the side of their arm to get their attention or when laughing and joking.
3. When sitting down or standing around talking as a group, face slightly more (as in, the direction of your body/torso) in the direction of one of her friends more than her.
Using deflection theory to challenge a girl you’re interested in’s ego and therefore make her want you more is just one psychological technique you can use to boost your pick-up game. Combine it with others and you maximize your success with the opposite sex in ways most men have and never will experience. You can be the guy that gets the girl!
By: Tiffany Taylor
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Mens Guide 2 Sex On: How To Talk To A Woman On The Phone
If you are to date successfully, you'll need the ability to communicate well. The ability to communicate will directly effect your ability to attract women.
And when it comes to communication, nothing is more important than knowing how to speak to a girl on the phone.
After you start seeing someone on a regular basis, and seeing them face to face, your main method of keeping the relationship going is using the TELEPHONE.
Without speaking to someone on the phone, it's going to be difficult to create the type of rapport necessary to sustain a relationship.
So having good phone skills is VITAL to success with women!
I speak from experience, that your phone presence can either RUIN you, or make you seem so confident, mysterious, and fun that she can't WAIT to go out with you.
Here is what you need to know to make a great impression on the phone, and keep her interested in you...
1.) Don't Be Nervous on the phone!
If you're nervous talking on the phone, that will cause you to let the conversation stall. She'll be able to tell if you're struggling to make chit-chat, and it'll hurt her impression of you.
The key here is to NOT BE NERVOUS when you call a girl! If you find yourself feeling the nerves before you call, take some time and calm yourself down. Take some deep breaths, listen to some soothing music, and remember that there are plenty of other girls out there if it doesn't work out with this one.
It's important to project the right attitude while one the phone. Being (and sounding) confident will always trump nervousness! So allow yourself to have fun and relax!
2.) Be ASSERTIVE When You Talk!
Most people MUMBLE and STUMBLE all over themselves with garbage like: "What'cha been doing?" Nothing bores a girl more than these boring, awkward questions.
If you rely on the girl to lead the conversation, you're going to find that the conversation will end quickly.
You have to be assertive in the conversation and steer it where you want it to go. Do NOT rely on her to carry this burden!
Have some topics you'd like to talk about before you call up. This will give you an idea of what to talk about if the conversation stalls. If she mentions something that interests you while talking, ask her about it in more detail.
Be active in making the conversation!
3.) Don't just call without a reason.
Calling just for idle banter is a waste of time. While speaking with a woman should be fun, there should be a motive for you to call her.
There is a reason. You'd rather not have her think that you'll want to chat on the phone for 2 hours every time your name pops up on caller ID.
Know what goal you want to achieve with the phone call before you start dialing! Is it to set up a date? Is it to touch base? Is it to strengthen your rapport?
Having a reason for calling her will help you stay focused on your end goal.
4.) Don't ask, instead, INVITE!
When talking to a girl, the urge is to give her the last decision on what to do.
Saying something like "Are you busy Friday?" might sound reasonable to you, but you're still putting the burden on her to find the time to hang out with you!
Whenever you push a girl over the phone to meet up, you'll want to frame things as though you're inviting her to join you, rather than having her choose how to meet up with you.
And trust me - there IS a difference!
Saying "Would you like to hang out tomorrow night?" is much different than "I'm going to this really awesome bar tomorrow night to check out a killer band, would you like to come?"
Offering the girl you're talking to opportunities will motivate her to say "yes" more than if you asked her if she'd be willing to spend time with you.
5.) Be congruent with who you are!
When talking on the phone, there's an issue that comes up where we are different people than we are normally. Maybe we're a little more outgoing, or engaging, or funny, or whatever.
Keep in mind that in order for a date to be successful, you have to be CONSISTENT about who you are, so the girl can really get to know you.
Don't try and be someone you're not on the phone. Just because you're not face-to-face does not give you the leeway to lie or misrepresent yourself. The truer you can be about who you are and what you're like, the greater your likelihood of success.
Talking the phone is an unfortunate but necessary part of dating. Most guys don't care for it, but if you can learn to do it better, you'll find that many women will be far more open to meeting up with you than normal.
By: Joseph Matthew
And when it comes to communication, nothing is more important than knowing how to speak to a girl on the phone.
After you start seeing someone on a regular basis, and seeing them face to face, your main method of keeping the relationship going is using the TELEPHONE.
Without speaking to someone on the phone, it's going to be difficult to create the type of rapport necessary to sustain a relationship.
So having good phone skills is VITAL to success with women!
I speak from experience, that your phone presence can either RUIN you, or make you seem so confident, mysterious, and fun that she can't WAIT to go out with you.
Here is what you need to know to make a great impression on the phone, and keep her interested in you...
1.) Don't Be Nervous on the phone!
If you're nervous talking on the phone, that will cause you to let the conversation stall. She'll be able to tell if you're struggling to make chit-chat, and it'll hurt her impression of you.
The key here is to NOT BE NERVOUS when you call a girl! If you find yourself feeling the nerves before you call, take some time and calm yourself down. Take some deep breaths, listen to some soothing music, and remember that there are plenty of other girls out there if it doesn't work out with this one.
It's important to project the right attitude while one the phone. Being (and sounding) confident will always trump nervousness! So allow yourself to have fun and relax!
2.) Be ASSERTIVE When You Talk!
Most people MUMBLE and STUMBLE all over themselves with garbage like: "What'cha been doing?" Nothing bores a girl more than these boring, awkward questions.
If you rely on the girl to lead the conversation, you're going to find that the conversation will end quickly.
You have to be assertive in the conversation and steer it where you want it to go. Do NOT rely on her to carry this burden!
Have some topics you'd like to talk about before you call up. This will give you an idea of what to talk about if the conversation stalls. If she mentions something that interests you while talking, ask her about it in more detail.
Be active in making the conversation!
3.) Don't just call without a reason.
Calling just for idle banter is a waste of time. While speaking with a woman should be fun, there should be a motive for you to call her.
There is a reason. You'd rather not have her think that you'll want to chat on the phone for 2 hours every time your name pops up on caller ID.
Know what goal you want to achieve with the phone call before you start dialing! Is it to set up a date? Is it to touch base? Is it to strengthen your rapport?
Having a reason for calling her will help you stay focused on your end goal.
4.) Don't ask, instead, INVITE!
When talking to a girl, the urge is to give her the last decision on what to do.
Saying something like "Are you busy Friday?" might sound reasonable to you, but you're still putting the burden on her to find the time to hang out with you!
Whenever you push a girl over the phone to meet up, you'll want to frame things as though you're inviting her to join you, rather than having her choose how to meet up with you.
And trust me - there IS a difference!
Saying "Would you like to hang out tomorrow night?" is much different than "I'm going to this really awesome bar tomorrow night to check out a killer band, would you like to come?"
Offering the girl you're talking to opportunities will motivate her to say "yes" more than if you asked her if she'd be willing to spend time with you.
5.) Be congruent with who you are!
When talking on the phone, there's an issue that comes up where we are different people than we are normally. Maybe we're a little more outgoing, or engaging, or funny, or whatever.
Keep in mind that in order for a date to be successful, you have to be CONSISTENT about who you are, so the girl can really get to know you.
Don't try and be someone you're not on the phone. Just because you're not face-to-face does not give you the leeway to lie or misrepresent yourself. The truer you can be about who you are and what you're like, the greater your likelihood of success.
Talking the phone is an unfortunate but necessary part of dating. Most guys don't care for it, but if you can learn to do it better, you'll find that many women will be far more open to meeting up with you than normal.
By: Joseph Matthew
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Men's Guide 2 Sex On: How To Attract Women With Your Words
There are times when even confident and successful men need tips on talking to girls. I mean, hasn’t there ever been a time when you tried to initiate a conversation only to end up in an awkward situation?
Don’t feel bad though. We all have our off days and there’s certainly no harm in learning more tips on talking to girls. If you want to broaden your knowledge on the art of conversing with the female species, then this is the article for you!
Tips On Talking To Girls # 1: Ditch the Manly Conversations.
It all begins with what you say. Women enjoy meaningful conversations with men. To engage in such, you have to talk about something both of you can relate to.
While the latest football game might be a constant subject of interest among your best male buds, this just won’t do when talking to girls. Don’t try to use sports as a way to show off how manly your thoughts are either.
Tips On Talking To Girls # 2: Find a Common Ground.
Start with your immediate surroundings. “Isn’t the music awesome?” or “Their grilled salmon is really delicious.” From there, you can actually have a decent conversation about music and food in general, which can then lead to you treating her to this quaint steak house around the corner.
Tips On Talking To Girls # 3: Be Casual Yet Polite.
When talking to girls, there’s no need for formalities. Be casual, but don’t forget your manners either. Remain a gentleman with your thoughts, words and actions. Girls find this combination effortlessly charming and attractive.
Now that you know these tips on talking to girls, you no longer have to deal with awkward situations and silent moments. Tone down your usual arrogance, engage them in conversations which they can relate to, and stay polite yet informal when you talk. The combination of these three simple tips will definitely score you plus points!
Don’t feel bad though. We all have our off days and there’s certainly no harm in learning more tips on talking to girls. If you want to broaden your knowledge on the art of conversing with the female species, then this is the article for you!
Tips On Talking To Girls # 1: Ditch the Manly Conversations.
It all begins with what you say. Women enjoy meaningful conversations with men. To engage in such, you have to talk about something both of you can relate to.
While the latest football game might be a constant subject of interest among your best male buds, this just won’t do when talking to girls. Don’t try to use sports as a way to show off how manly your thoughts are either.
Tips On Talking To Girls # 2: Find a Common Ground.
Start with your immediate surroundings. “Isn’t the music awesome?” or “Their grilled salmon is really delicious.” From there, you can actually have a decent conversation about music and food in general, which can then lead to you treating her to this quaint steak house around the corner.
Tips On Talking To Girls # 3: Be Casual Yet Polite.
When talking to girls, there’s no need for formalities. Be casual, but don’t forget your manners either. Remain a gentleman with your thoughts, words and actions. Girls find this combination effortlessly charming and attractive.
Now that you know these tips on talking to girls, you no longer have to deal with awkward situations and silent moments. Tone down your usual arrogance, engage them in conversations which they can relate to, and stay polite yet informal when you talk. The combination of these three simple tips will definitely score you plus points!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Mens guide 2 Sex On: Signs Of Attraction that A Girl Likes You: How Well Do You Score?
Do you want to know the signs of attraction that a girl likes you? Well, I don’t really blame you. There’s something wonderful about knowing that a person admires you.
We’ve all been on that road before. Sometimes, your instinct tells you that a girl likes you, only to end up being a mistake. Sometimes, you second guess yourself and wonder what to make of one girl.
Not all girls express their affections in the same way. However, there are common signs of attraction that a girl likes you, and you can apply these signals to your own situation.
1) Flattery is everything.
One of the common signs of attraction that a girl likes you is when she showers you with compliments. A lady friend will probably congratulate you for a job well done, but a girl who really digs you will find reasons to praise you whenever she can.
You don’t have to do anything. You could just be hanging out with your buddies and she’ll throw a compliment about your shirt, your hair, or whatever it is you've got going on at the moment.
She won’t be doing it just once either. Despite her obvious admiration, don’t forget to say “thank you” every time.
2) Fleeting or lingering touches.
Girls get away with touching guys a lot. Guys might chalk the fleeting touches as coincidence or girly nature, but it is actually one of the reliable signs of attraction that a girl likes you.
Touches are meant to convey different messages. They might mean to soothe, to reassure, or to flirt. Consider the situation you’re in to understand what her touches mean.
3) Baking a cake.
Not every girl is a kitchen goddess, but they can always find ways to send you something nice.
One of the dependable signs of attraction that a girl likes you is when she does something as nice as baking a cake for you. She might buy a cake from your favorite bake shop or bring you pizza on a Saturday afternoon. They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and you won’t believe just how many girls take that old adage to heart.
Knowing the signs of attraction that a girl likes you is almost equal to power. However, that power is not for you to abuse. It is for you to figure out what your next step will be. Always remember to keep your feet on the ground and to express your appreciation when a girl does something nice for you.
We’ve all been on that road before. Sometimes, your instinct tells you that a girl likes you, only to end up being a mistake. Sometimes, you second guess yourself and wonder what to make of one girl.
Not all girls express their affections in the same way. However, there are common signs of attraction that a girl likes you, and you can apply these signals to your own situation.
1) Flattery is everything.
One of the common signs of attraction that a girl likes you is when she showers you with compliments. A lady friend will probably congratulate you for a job well done, but a girl who really digs you will find reasons to praise you whenever she can.
You don’t have to do anything. You could just be hanging out with your buddies and she’ll throw a compliment about your shirt, your hair, or whatever it is you've got going on at the moment.
She won’t be doing it just once either. Despite her obvious admiration, don’t forget to say “thank you” every time.
2) Fleeting or lingering touches.
Girls get away with touching guys a lot. Guys might chalk the fleeting touches as coincidence or girly nature, but it is actually one of the reliable signs of attraction that a girl likes you.
Touches are meant to convey different messages. They might mean to soothe, to reassure, or to flirt. Consider the situation you’re in to understand what her touches mean.
3) Baking a cake.
Not every girl is a kitchen goddess, but they can always find ways to send you something nice.
One of the dependable signs of attraction that a girl likes you is when she does something as nice as baking a cake for you. She might buy a cake from your favorite bake shop or bring you pizza on a Saturday afternoon. They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and you won’t believe just how many girls take that old adage to heart.
Knowing the signs of attraction that a girl likes you is almost equal to power. However, that power is not for you to abuse. It is for you to figure out what your next step will be. Always remember to keep your feet on the ground and to express your appreciation when a girl does something nice for you.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Mens guide 2 Sex: Ways To Know What Women Want And How To Deal With It
As you enjoy the moment spending time with the woman you’ve come to love, everything seems to be going so well, so perfect, suddenly, she slap you in the face. What the …..? Having been caught off guard, you start to wonder what you did wrong. You’d have to ask. You’ve just added insult–to–injury.
This is one of the many innocent mistakes men make. So, how do we know what women want and how do we deal with it? When you’re in a fancy restaurant with your date or having a meal at a local diner, don’t gorge your food, no matter how famished you feel.
Remember that she takes eating together as a form of bonding activity. What women want is to spend time with you. So don’t rush through your meal, it makes her feel as if you don’t like to be there. What women want is for you to be considerate on how she feels.
Let her know you’re enjoying yourself by taking things in moderation. Pay close attention to body language. We actually throw out subtle signals if they’re interested in you. If you don’t take the bait, she would ultimately presume that you’re not interested in having sex with her. Try to observe some of these practices on what women want in the – – –art of seduction: The way she dresses up for you, touches you more often or mention her visits at the spa.
When we have problems, they’d like to vent their frustrations with their man. One common innocent mistake a man makes is that he would automatically presume that she needs advice. Wrong. In fact, she would almost feel like your giving her a lecture and not totally listen to her problems at hand.
She doesn’t just want you to solve it. What women want is your sympathy and support. So, the next time she pours out her problems to you about having a lousy day, try to keep your thoughts to yourself. Instead what women want you to say is a little something like “Sorry to hear about it, baby.
Wish I could do something that would make you feel better.” When you’ve manage to hang–out with your friends and can’t give her the same amount of energy as you did with your friends, she’d feel like your using her as a recuperation companion. Make sure that you’re equally in the right frame of mind when you meet up with your girl.
Take it into account not to dress up like a slob. You’re sending a message to her that you don’t really care about the night. How hard can it be to put on an ironed shirt and wear a clean pair of jeans? Bear in mind, a sloppy look can be a major turn–off.
The secret to understand and know what women want, according to Jessica Claire is, always respond with a feeling or emotion.
By Ruth Purple
This is one of the many innocent mistakes men make. So, how do we know what women want and how do we deal with it? When you’re in a fancy restaurant with your date or having a meal at a local diner, don’t gorge your food, no matter how famished you feel.
Remember that she takes eating together as a form of bonding activity. What women want is to spend time with you. So don’t rush through your meal, it makes her feel as if you don’t like to be there. What women want is for you to be considerate on how she feels.
Let her know you’re enjoying yourself by taking things in moderation. Pay close attention to body language. We actually throw out subtle signals if they’re interested in you. If you don’t take the bait, she would ultimately presume that you’re not interested in having sex with her. Try to observe some of these practices on what women want in the – – –art of seduction: The way she dresses up for you, touches you more often or mention her visits at the spa.
When we have problems, they’d like to vent their frustrations with their man. One common innocent mistake a man makes is that he would automatically presume that she needs advice. Wrong. In fact, she would almost feel like your giving her a lecture and not totally listen to her problems at hand.
She doesn’t just want you to solve it. What women want is your sympathy and support. So, the next time she pours out her problems to you about having a lousy day, try to keep your thoughts to yourself. Instead what women want you to say is a little something like “Sorry to hear about it, baby.
Wish I could do something that would make you feel better.” When you’ve manage to hang–out with your friends and can’t give her the same amount of energy as you did with your friends, she’d feel like your using her as a recuperation companion. Make sure that you’re equally in the right frame of mind when you meet up with your girl.
Take it into account not to dress up like a slob. You’re sending a message to her that you don’t really care about the night. How hard can it be to put on an ironed shirt and wear a clean pair of jeans? Bear in mind, a sloppy look can be a major turn–off.
The secret to understand and know what women want, according to Jessica Claire is, always respond with a feeling or emotion.
By Ruth Purple
Friday, November 4, 2011
Men's Guide 2 Sex On: Seducing Married Women
Seducing a married woman may sound a bit illegal and downright wrong, but still, a lot of men do it for a sense of danger and the undoubtedly high thrill that comes with it. There is something alluring when seducing married women. There is challenge when trying to get something that is already taken. And come to think it: you will go absolutely out of your head when the married woman seduces you back!
Now, we're not engaging into something criminal and we're not promoting adultery over here. Flirting is a normal thing. It is harmless and normal, but totally fun. Now, what is it that makes married women tick? It's probably because they are not getting the kind of attention that they need from their husbands, so they decided to wing it to check out the other men.
To be blatant about it, married women who flirt seek a sexual relationship. There is no commitment, no obligation. Just stolen moments that satisfy their thirst for something that is probably lacking in their lives. More men confess sexual relationships are the best: no dates (married women would not want to be seen with other men), everything is pledge-free, and be sure to expect a very wild and unabashed sex life.
Here are some guidelines to seduce married women:
Give them your 100% attention. Married women who flirt are most probably depressed with their married life so they seek new horizons. Let them feel that they are beautiful and sexy. Most of them are insecure since they feel they are less hot than when they were single. Treat them like they're not married at all. This would totally turn them on. Keep things light and spontaneous. Sure, it's not a serious relationship but at least keep things stress-free. They will love your naturalness and may consider having a sexual bond with you in no time.
By Mark Talor
Now, we're not engaging into something criminal and we're not promoting adultery over here. Flirting is a normal thing. It is harmless and normal, but totally fun. Now, what is it that makes married women tick? It's probably because they are not getting the kind of attention that they need from their husbands, so they decided to wing it to check out the other men.
To be blatant about it, married women who flirt seek a sexual relationship. There is no commitment, no obligation. Just stolen moments that satisfy their thirst for something that is probably lacking in their lives. More men confess sexual relationships are the best: no dates (married women would not want to be seen with other men), everything is pledge-free, and be sure to expect a very wild and unabashed sex life.
Here are some guidelines to seduce married women:
Give them your 100% attention. Married women who flirt are most probably depressed with their married life so they seek new horizons. Let them feel that they are beautiful and sexy. Most of them are insecure since they feel they are less hot than when they were single. Treat them like they're not married at all. This would totally turn them on. Keep things light and spontaneous. Sure, it's not a serious relationship but at least keep things stress-free. They will love your naturalness and may consider having a sexual bond with you in no time.
By Mark Talor
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Men's Guide 2 Sex On: Top 10 Geeky Dating Mistakes Us Geeks Make
Dating for us geeks is better than ever. Geek is chic and we no longer have to hide the passion for our nerdy habits. We can express ourselves confidently and still get the girl. However there are some things we tend to do that turn women off. Here is a list of the top ten dating mistakes us geeks make.
1 ) Over-Explaining
I remember when a girl asked me how is Bio-Diesel made when I told her I use it in my car. I think I went on for close to fifteen minutes explaining from start to finish the process from turning vegetable oil into Bio-Diesel. She finally stopped me and teased me pretty hard for it. Your date may not find it as endearing.
2 ) Being Condescending
Just because we know a lot about a lot of things never gives us the right to make someone feel stupid. Sometimes simply just taking a moment to ask “How familiar are you with it?” before explaining it as if they were five years old will allow you to save face.
3 ) Know-it-all/always being right
It is hard being smarter than everyone around us (at least we think we are). As soon as I learned to try to see someone else’s point of view fully before explaining my opinion it was a lot more comfortable to be around me. Try to see someone else’s side of things first and relate to it.
4 ) Fashion – Tennis shoes all the time
If you are the guy who wears white tennis shoes in every situation, it is time to go shopping. Buy yourself some nicer shoes for work or casual social events. You don’t have to go crazy but even some more trendy sneakers will go a long way. Sketchers make lots of inexpensive shoes that are as comfortable as tennis shoes but are a little bit more fashionable. You could even branch out and try some more fashionable going out shoes or boots. Just make sure they aren’t too out there if that is not your personality. Women do notice shoes.
5 ) Fashion – Wearing clothes that don’t fit
It is time to stop dressing like the clothes were hand-me-downs. Oversize shirts do not hide your gut or your lack of biceps. The shoulder seam of your shirts should be within an inch of the corner of your shoulder, not down on your arm. Pants should not be baggy; while they shouldn’t be skin tight they should fit well without being too constrictive. Ask a sales woman to help you find sizes that fit and try going too small and too big to understand what the right fit is.
6 ) Fashion – Out of date clothes
Wearing a t-shirt or sweatshirt that was your parting gift from high school is not a statement of loyalty; it’s a statement that you are too lazy to buy new clothes once in a while. Retire your clothes if they are out of date. I usually try to not wear clothes longer than one to two years and sometimes three if I don’t wear them that often. Subtle changes over a few years actually show up and while people may not point it out, it makes you look dated.
7 ) Texting or emailing while talking
I have a bad habit of surfing the web when talking to friends and even women. If you are having a conversation, put down the game, the phone, the email, etc. Pay attention and be in the conversation
8 ) Being defensive when teased
Roll with the punches. Go read a bit about the improv idea "yes and," and learn how to be more playful and flirty.
9 ) Asking for feedback on a date
This is a big one. Don’t ever ask how you are doing on a date. Don’t ask whether she likes you or not or if she is having fun. Nothing shows more insecurity then checking in frequently on a date. Have fun and enjoy your time together. If she is not into you, or not having fun, that is her responsibility to end the date or tell you. It only makes it awkward for you to ask. If she says no, what are you going to do about it? Getting to the second date will tell you more than any answer she gives you.
10 ) Self Deprecating
Comedians are great at self deprecating humor. Leave it for them to do. While you shouldn’t be bragging, conversely don’t put yourself down. It shows a lot of insecurity. I mean honestly when a woman tells me she is fat, I almost want to smack her. It is like fishing for a compliment, I don’t want to pander to her insecurities. You shouldn’t make women feel that way either by putting yourself down.
BY: Dan McDonley
1 ) Over-Explaining
I remember when a girl asked me how is Bio-Diesel made when I told her I use it in my car. I think I went on for close to fifteen minutes explaining from start to finish the process from turning vegetable oil into Bio-Diesel. She finally stopped me and teased me pretty hard for it. Your date may not find it as endearing.
2 ) Being Condescending
Just because we know a lot about a lot of things never gives us the right to make someone feel stupid. Sometimes simply just taking a moment to ask “How familiar are you with it?” before explaining it as if they were five years old will allow you to save face.
3 ) Know-it-all/always being right
It is hard being smarter than everyone around us (at least we think we are). As soon as I learned to try to see someone else’s point of view fully before explaining my opinion it was a lot more comfortable to be around me. Try to see someone else’s side of things first and relate to it.
4 ) Fashion – Tennis shoes all the time
If you are the guy who wears white tennis shoes in every situation, it is time to go shopping. Buy yourself some nicer shoes for work or casual social events. You don’t have to go crazy but even some more trendy sneakers will go a long way. Sketchers make lots of inexpensive shoes that are as comfortable as tennis shoes but are a little bit more fashionable. You could even branch out and try some more fashionable going out shoes or boots. Just make sure they aren’t too out there if that is not your personality. Women do notice shoes.
5 ) Fashion – Wearing clothes that don’t fit
It is time to stop dressing like the clothes were hand-me-downs. Oversize shirts do not hide your gut or your lack of biceps. The shoulder seam of your shirts should be within an inch of the corner of your shoulder, not down on your arm. Pants should not be baggy; while they shouldn’t be skin tight they should fit well without being too constrictive. Ask a sales woman to help you find sizes that fit and try going too small and too big to understand what the right fit is.
6 ) Fashion – Out of date clothes
Wearing a t-shirt or sweatshirt that was your parting gift from high school is not a statement of loyalty; it’s a statement that you are too lazy to buy new clothes once in a while. Retire your clothes if they are out of date. I usually try to not wear clothes longer than one to two years and sometimes three if I don’t wear them that often. Subtle changes over a few years actually show up and while people may not point it out, it makes you look dated.
7 ) Texting or emailing while talking
I have a bad habit of surfing the web when talking to friends and even women. If you are having a conversation, put down the game, the phone, the email, etc. Pay attention and be in the conversation
8 ) Being defensive when teased
Roll with the punches. Go read a bit about the improv idea "yes and," and learn how to be more playful and flirty.
9 ) Asking for feedback on a date
This is a big one. Don’t ever ask how you are doing on a date. Don’t ask whether she likes you or not or if she is having fun. Nothing shows more insecurity then checking in frequently on a date. Have fun and enjoy your time together. If she is not into you, or not having fun, that is her responsibility to end the date or tell you. It only makes it awkward for you to ask. If she says no, what are you going to do about it? Getting to the second date will tell you more than any answer she gives you.
10 ) Self Deprecating
Comedians are great at self deprecating humor. Leave it for them to do. While you shouldn’t be bragging, conversely don’t put yourself down. It shows a lot of insecurity. I mean honestly when a woman tells me she is fat, I almost want to smack her. It is like fishing for a compliment, I don’t want to pander to her insecurities. You shouldn’t make women feel that way either by putting yourself down.
BY: Dan McDonley
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