Friday, May 11, 2012

Men's Guide To Sex On: What Women Really Mean When They Say They Want A "Nice Guy"

   If you spend any time reading the profiles on or any of the other online dating sites, you'll see a lot of women who say they just want to meet "a nice guy." Furthermore, if you talk to women about relationships often you'll hear, "I'm tired of dating all these jerks. I just want to meet a nice guy." Guys read and hear this, so when they meet a woman, they act like a "nice guy." They're sweet, respectful, give her compliments, gifts a peck on the cheek--and they never see her again. What's her reason? She'll say, "he was a really nice guy, but there was no chemistry there." Remarkably enough, this is the same woman who says, "I just want to meet a nice guy." What's the disconnect, what's going on here? Why do women say they want to meet nice guys, but when they do meet one they don't want to see him again because there's no "chemistry?" The answer has to do with what we as men think a nice guy is, and what women really mean when they say a "nice guy." We think of a "nice guy" as a guy who's meek, mild, unoffensive, humble, a guy who compliments women, buys them gifts, lets them make all the decisions, wants her to "just be happy," and is very careful to do nothing to offend her. Women think of a nice guy as a guy who makes them feel like they feel when they're around the jerkiest of jerks, but doesn't come with the baggage and negative behaviors the jerks always come with. Here's what women want when they say they want to meet a "nice guy:" a man with a strong sense of personal authority, with a naughty, fun, playful side, who genuinely likes women. While he engages in "naughty behavior" he doesn't do the things jerks do: lying, abusing, freeloading, etc. In other words the "nice guy" women want makes them feel like she's with a jerk without the bad behaviors the jerk brings. So next time you hear or read a woman say, "I just want to meet a nice guy," you'll know what she really means--and it has nothing to do with how men define a nice guy.

By: Jim Andreesong

Friday, May 4, 2012

Men's Guide To Sex On: Making a Relationship With a Younger Woman Work

    Being with a younger woman certainly brings excitement to a relationship especially if you’re a man who is in his fifties or sixties. You’ve seen stellar examples like Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones so you’re thinking “hey this isn’t so bad”. Although age gaps could certainly hinder a relationship’s progress, that is still the right attitude to adopt my friend. If your girlfriend happens to have a more recent birthday than you do, you shouldn’t give it much thought. Attraction works in mysterious ways and sometimes it has nothing to do with age. In fact the main thing that you must remember is exactly that. Don’t use anyone’s age as a basis for a relationship. Don’t date younger women just so you’d have someone to brag about to your friends and colleagues. Nor should you date someone younger than you are for a quick ego boost. No, date someone younger because you want to and are actually attracted to her. That is the foundation of making your relationship work. Some may say that you just dated someone younger because you are suffering from some mid-life crisis. Some may say that she’s probably with you for financial security and may just be a gold digger. There will always be prejudices so before you believe in any of them, ask yourself first if that is the real reason that you’re dating or why you’re being dated by a younger woman. You would know the answer better that they will. If it isn’t, then their views shouldn’t matter at all. Don’t try to compare yourself with younger men. That shows insecurity ill befitting your age. If you’ve been totally honest with the woman, then she could decide for herself if she wants to be with an older man. If she’s dating you then she’s probably already made a choice. Don’t change who you are and let her fall in or fall out of love with you because of it not because of your age. Another big issue between such romances is the topic of children. You’re too old and probably already have children while she is just beginning to want to. It is important that the lines of communication remain open to discuss this critical topic as early in the relationship as possible. If you make clear to her what her options are then it’s easier to make an informed decision together. There is also the problem of getting old soon and having to be taken care of by your partner. Actually it’s unwise to think of that far ahead when you can still have the “here” and “now”. It’s better to enjoy the actual moment rather than worry about a possible consequence. Besides you could always stay strong even in your later years by eating right and living a healthy lifestyle. Lastly you must be resolved to accept that there will be differences between you. In outlooks, worldviews, knowledge and beliefs. Differences that are caused by age. But if you are decided in pursuing a relationship with a younger woman, then set aside these differences as something to be compromised. Celebrate these differences rather than acting out on them. Remember that any relationship requires understanding and open communication, a relationship like yours, maybe much more so. So it would really take some effort to make it work but with the right attitude, I assure you it would. If you don’t think it’s worth it though, you must be the one to end it because you have to be the more responsible when it comes to both of you. Don’t fret though. There will always be dating opportunities for you no matter how old you are. One nifty example is senior dating sites. Yes, there are free online dating sites especially for senior citizens. So don’t give up just yet in your search for the perfect partner.

 By:Alex Bayron

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Men's Guide To Sex On: How to Deal with Rejection from Women

Are women actually interested in you when they first see you? Or is it that they are interested in what they are seeing as a reflection of their own ideals and expectations?

And what about when women reject you or don't even give you a chance? Has this hurt you before even though other guys will tell you not to take it personally or to just 'keep on approaching and you'll get over it'?

Well I'm going to help you deal with this 'rejection' and set it more straight right now (for free).

What's really going on are many different things and on different levels.

I want you to be able to differentiate a woman's response to you so that you can understand it so that it doesn't hurt you or even affect you but rather that you can learn what hasn't been working and take advantage of what does work.

When a woman sees you for the first time, she is extrapolating every little detail about you to determine whether you might be a fit for her.

These usually accurate judgments she is making off of the smallest details about you will help protect her or open you up to having a chance with her.

In the future I will get deeply into getting yourself to the point where you are communicating that you are everything she could want even if you don't have the best looks or money, age, etc.

But for now, this data that she is judging off of you is either working for you or against you. You may have had women blow you off or flat out reject you after you approached and started talking or they never even gave you a chance before you approached.

Is this something you should take personally?

I don't want to give you a shallow answer, I want to give you the MEANING behind it; the schematics and reasoning so bear with me and it will be worth it.

Does a woman even know you when they she first sees you?

Then how can you possibly accept any kind of rejection?

Just because you approached her and she rejected you does not mean that you have a low character or are undesirable.

Does it?

Here's the bad news; some of the readers on this list may actually have a low character and the women ARE judging accurately (albeit without knowing more b/c they feel they don't need or want to find out more).

This can all be changed so that any man can not only more accurately portray more of what she is attracted to but actually BE that man in congruity.

The primary key is for him to get in touch with his own natural/ universal character and stop relying so much on his limited independent or social character.

The rest of the guys probably do have a higher independent or social character but just aren't being themselves when they approach a woman. They're using a pick-up persona or player front or they're just being a nice guy (overly nice and not their true self).

Otherwise they're just not in touch with their natural/universal character in order to spark attraction anyways.

Too many guys these days (and it's being taught) are focusing on the social and even independent (I'm a nice guy) parts of their character when it comes to attracting women.

This sets a man up for rejection because these two areas are the least important and are what women respond to the least when it comes to attraction and her wanting you; it's just really hard to see through it when women have become the rulers of the social 'matrix'.

Natural order is flipped around in our social behaviour patterns so you just have to see through all of the social influence and deal with her biology; the one thing that doesn't change and is what is the essence of what she desires that (healthy) men would realize.

So if you are focusing on your social 'pick up game' you're going to have to get real good at it and then because of your high character, the charts work in reverse so that eventually she may feel a spark of attraction. In other words:

You have to talk her into it and let her realize that you are a man of high character.

This takes longer because you started on the wrong end of the character continuum in your communication and portrayal of yourself to her.

Like I said it also sets you up for failure because you have to get all of the words just right and her temperance is wavering.

Hopefully this will help you understand why men are rejected more and perhaps yourself in the past sometimes. Understanding it is key to putting it in it's place and then changing to do the more effective things.

When you are a man of high natural/universal character and communicate this with your body language (often enough alone), the universal/natural part of the woman knows to respond to you and you don't have to use words.

She is prewired to know how to respond and be attracted to a man that has a strong connection to his universal/natural (which used to be almost all men but people were more localized then).

Today, very few men are in full touch with this and those that are, are the guys that are scoring the most with women. It's that simple.

When you can get in touch with the natural/universal power that is greater than you (and is your inheritance) you can have that power to create attraction (naturally) and make it a part of your own character...add it to your game and it will make ALL the difference.

You won't even have to deal with rejection anymore because you'll be able to read and communicate with women on the nonverbal level (the unspoken), that which was formerly invisible.

So back to the rejection issue...when a woman sees you and you aren't effectively communicating that you are a man of high character (either incongruently or because you just aren't there yet), she most likely won't give you a chance.

The key is to understand where you are on the character continuum.

If you ARE a great (nice) guy, then remember that she is just judging her initial impression of you. You may have a high independent character and be a great guy so just separate that from the fact that you were currently LOW on the natural/ universal part of your character and that is the part she was disapproving of, not YOU.

So don't take it personally. When you do develop a high character across the charts not only will you never have to deal with rejection again but when you play it by certain rules (your rules) SHE will be the one who is rejected or disqualifying herself to you and you will have the power by far.

You will always have the last word.

All you really have to have even if you have a low independent and social character/status is a strong connection to your natural ability (esp. if you aren't good looking, poor or are much older).

So if you've been focusing on the social character and using techniques and pick-up lines to develop your character to be able to pick a woman up...just consider working on your natural/ universal character instead; it's what matters so much that a woman will HELP you pick her up by giving the right signals when you do have a high character. You won't even need pick up lines then.

In fact it's not until recently that we actually had pick up lines or a need to study this. You just have to differentiate the forced reality from the natural, timeless reality of attraction and female response and separate out all of what doesn't matter (such as her fickle independent character when it comes to attraction and don't deal with it).

Prevent rejection and isolate the possibility of it by understanding the model magnet system and charts. She isn't rejecting you, she's just placing a perception onto you and judging you initially to see if you meet her expectational response/ideal.

I like to say;

She can't sleep with a man of low (m.m.) character just as much as you can't sleep with an ugly, fat chick.

And if you've taken one for the home team, that's about as often as she slept with a man of low character (despite his looks).

So make sure that you not only communicate the right things but BE the man of the highest character that you can.

It's more important than your social character/status or your own inner game and personality, it's about your connection to the universal power of masculinity and secure inner strength.

The feminine energy in her will rule over her fickle independent behavior and her body just may not be able to resist. This can all happen within a few seconds of her seeing you.

At this point women will be approaching you like crazy and throwing out all kinds of signs because this kind of man who is in touch is so rare these days. The works already cut out for you.

What would it be worth for you to turn the tables, never get rejected and live that kind of lifestyle with women no MATTER your looks, age, income or social status?

It's not a trick. It's real. And it's every man's inheritance but he has to embrace and accept it. I am the messenger because this power is greater than the greatest of any man in history's own independent character.

You don't have to be a superstar pick up character, you just have to be a man of (natural) character and you'll be able to catch women's interest just by walking in the room.

And when you're already spurring attraction in her and she can trust you by your body language, there's less of a chance you'll get rejected anyways.

And if you're living in a dominant reality where she is attracted to you and wants to be plus take the natural approach you can prevent rejection entirely.

By: Rion Williams

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Men's Guide To Sex On: How Do You Know She Is Approachable?

Let's face it - having to approach women is a real pain. In fact, it's so much of a pain, if you were to ask the average guy, they'd much rather the woman approach them if she's interested!

It'd be much easier, right? She comes up and it's all taken care of. Let her deal with the idea of rejection. Yes, that would work... in a perfect world.

The truth of the matter is, very few women want to put themselves in the position of being rejected.

That's not to say the occasional assertive woman won't come up and approach a guy. But these are few and far between. Not only that, if you're not her physical type, she won't approach you at all!

So being in the position of approaching women is actually preferable, because you get to pick the girl you want to approach!

The problem comes from the fact that most guys approach the wrong women. They are oblivious to what the woman is thinking and feeling, and whether or not she's opened to be approached at all.

This is the main cause of rejection when approaching.

So you need to start being aware of the signals women give off that let you know they're open to being approached by you. Sometimes these signals are obvious. Other times, they can be very subtle. But either way, you need to know how to spot them.

Women generally act in a far more covert way than us men. They don't come outright and say that they are interested; instead, they send out signals that let us know they are.

If you miss these signals, they'll just think you're not interested, even if you are! So spotting them is crucial.

Look for strong eye contact and smiles in your direction. These are subtle things. Look at if she's playing with her hair when she looks at you, or if she's tilting your head.

Some women will do other things to attract a man's attention that aren't as subtle. Maybe she'll wave at you? Wink at you? Raise an eyebrow? Make an excuse to walk past you or stand near you? Or she might strike up a conversation with one of your friends.

When you spot these signals, you MUST make your move and act on them. Don't wait around expecting her to initiate the contact, because she won't. She's waiting to see if you're confident enough to approach her. If not, she'll just move on to another guy.

It's not that women CAN'T initiate a meeting. If she's not interested in you romantically, she may walk right up, shake your hand, introduce herself and get down to business.

But when it comes to romance, it's a completely different issue, and here's why.

Women associate aggressive men with strong mates. That's not to say they're looking for a juiced-up freak who won't leave them alone! But they are looking for a guy with enough confidence to take the first steps.

If you don't, you'll be written off, it's as simple as that. So instead of waiting around hoping she'll make the first move, take a chance and go after her.

By: Joseph Matthew

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Men's Guide To Sex On: First Date Talk - Five Best Ways To Stop Nervousness And Have Fun

   Inwardly you gave yourself a high-five when she said yes to a first date. Now, as the hour approaches, you're feeling a little less elated and a lot more troubled. You don't know her yet - what are you going to talk to her about? Fear not, help is nigh. Here's some advice for first date talk which will have her begging for seconds.

1) Know What Women Enjoy In A Man

    Firstly, women adore a man having a strong identity. So know what you're about: what dreams and goals do you have? What values do you subscribe to? What issues get you all fired up? When you are passionate about something, you are tapping into the second thing that women strongly respond to in a man - the capability to arouse her emotions.

    The best way to stimulate her emotions is by story-telling. This lets you be inventive and perhaps a little off-beat in your communication - which makes you interesting and may appeal to her emotions. For example, when you tell her about the latest movie you've seen, do include descriptions of how it made you feel, what thoughts and emotions came up for you. And be vivid, be alive!

   Another way to get her feelings flowing is by asking her about her favorite music. Get her to tell you how she feels when she hears that certain song; she'll re-live the emotions when doing so - just what you want!

2) Take The Lead

    One thing you certainly don't have to hesitate doing is to take control of the conversation. That's because women just love a confident man. If she's not asking questions, or talking to you about something, or you just feel the conversation is lagging, grasp the opportunity. Show her that you have enough confidence to take the lead. Change the topic - choose something that you are familiar with and can speak about enthusiastically.

3) Don't Drown Her in "Guy Stuff"

   When a conversation starts lagging, it's very tempting for guys to start talking about their hobby or passion. But please do avoid talking about male pastimes unless you already know that she's into them. And even then, watch out that you don't get carried away and overdo things. Women find a man who talks with passion very attractive - but not when it's an endless monologue!

So, if the conversation slows, find a new topic. For example, you could ask her to tell you about her favorite activity...

4) Leisure Pastimes

    All of us, both men and women, normally respond positively and with passion when we're invited to tell about our favorite things. Ask her to tell you about the things she loves. Is it music, or books, movies, sport? Or perhaps occasionally it's just doing nothing, except perhaps to cuddle up, or daydream and fantasize. Use the opportunity to examine mutual likes and dislikes, and find activities that you both enjoy and could use as a basis for future dates.

5) From Pastime To Obsession

    So what does she get high on, if anything? Does she do drugs, or alcohol? Or is it religion, or saving the planet? Whatever it is, you want to know now rather than later! You may have one or two dependencies or "convictions" of your own which you should convey to her - if these are shared, then probably good and well. But do find out about her early rather than later - I mean, could you or would you like to live with a five-in-the-morning snorting habit? Or a thrice daily meditator? When just as she's getting deeply into it the bundle of joy starts yodeling for her mother's breast?

6) Parting Shots

    Apply the five tips above and you should have at least not just an interesting date but also a lot of fun. Do remember, however, to ask a lot of questions - first date talk is (amongst other things) about finding out about each other. So do pay attention to what she says - not only will you learn a lot about her, you'll also pick up cues to ask new questions and lead the conversation in an easy and natural manner.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Men's Guide To Sex On: The Benefits of Online Dating

  The online dating industry has grown considerably in the past few years. Not long ago, matchmaking companies, personal ads, and other companies were responsible for introducing singles who were looking to start up new relationships. Nowadays, especially with the fast growing rate of technology, online dating has become the premier way for singles to introduce themselves to others, and enter the new dating world. Even better, the newest online dating companies do the work of matchmaking companies and public personal ads all at once.
   Remember back a few years ago, when busy, professional singles had difficult time meeting new potential dates. There were few options: set ups, singles bars, personal ads, professional matchmaking services, and even video dating services. The problem with many of these were that they were largely ineffective, restrictive, unpopular, and carried negative stigmas with them. With the introduction of online dating sites, however, these dating services began to expand in popularity and their capabilities. Nowadays, there are endless features available to online dating members, who can choose a service that best suits their needs. With these features, these online dating services can fulfill all the same duties as the past modes of dating combined. Features like compatibility matching is popular amongst many online dating websites, and plays the same roles as traditional matchmaking services. Personal ads are replaced with online dating profiles, and video greetings have been upgraded to online dating videos and photo albums. The need for singles bars has diminished, since members of online dating sites can go to one website to find singles in their area, and don't have to go out to seedy bars to do so. As more and more people sign up for online dating services, and find success with them, the popularity of online dating increases exponentially. Slowly, the stigma of online dating is decreasing, and its becoming a more viable option for many singles out there. As a result, what we are witnessing now is an explosion in the online dating industry, and the newest, most successful way for singles to come together.

By: Tyson

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Men's Guide To Sex On:Discover How to Flirt with Women

Why learn to flirt and learn some flirting skills? I love flirting as I like to use these skills to show appreciation of the opposite sex. Most women love a little flirting behavior. Most men do not realize that flirting doesn't have to lead onto dating or asking a women out. Sometimes that does happen but I feel it should not be a goal at all. If you keep it in the back of your mind that flirting is all about appreciation then it is hard to go wrong. If you flirt from neediness and feeling a lack of a relationship then it will go badly wrong. Women are expert at picking up a needy man and it is not attractive at all.

It takes a confident man that is emotionally happy inside to really flirt well. One benefit of learning to flirt is that it trains you to change your emotional state if you are feeling down in some way. You have to feel good inside to flirt. The best flirters can instantly transform their emotions to feel good inside. When you flirt, this feeling of confidence and happiness comes out and is transferred to the receiver.

One of the best ways to see flirting body language is to look at television advertising. You will see many attractive women use some flirting signals in the ads. Women's confidence can be based around their hair and they use it for its flirting power. When you see her moving her finger through her hair, brushing bask or throwing it back this is a flirting signal.

When a woman smiles at you this is a good sign of friendliness and that she is enjoying your company. A good signal of sexual interest is when the women touches you for some reason.

It is important for men to learn to look for the subtle flirting signals that women use. Most men are not skilled at observing the subtle flirting signals and need to be trained to really look for these. Parties are a great place to observe the flirting signals. Look for how a women is standing or siting in relation to a man. Is her body language open or closed? How close is she sitting to the man in question?

One body language flirting signal is when the woman mirrors your body language. Most women tend to do this subconsciously when they like a man. When you lean in towards her, she leans in towards you too. When you rest your elbows on the table, she does the same. Duplicating your body language is a way a woman shows that she's "in-tune" with you.

Some dating experts suggest that you use this mirroring behavior back to the women. If she talks fast, talk fast. If she is talking softly, talk softly. This should enable some sort of emotional connection to develop.

Also it is very important to look for a group of 4 or more flirting signals to be really sure that the women is interested in you. No one likes to be rejected, so really look for more than one flirting signal.

One approach line is to look for a less obvious body language of a women and then go and ask her what this signal means. This is a great way of stating a conversation with an attractive women. It shows you are in the here and how and that you are tuned into body language signals.

Have fun learning to observe women's body language and enjoy your flirting success.

By: mauricetate

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Men's Guide To Sex On: The 5 Sexual Foreplay Steps For Becoming The Best She's Ever Had

Want to know the secret to having great sex?

Well, I bet you do!

What most guys don't know is a great sex session starts way before you even step into the bedroom. Actually sexual tension should start the moment you see a woman.

Now the best way to accomplish this is done through the act of foreplay.

To sexual master, you have to be great at foreplay. Once you learn the proper techniques for foreplay, you'll have women practically begging for sex.

In the next few paragraphs, I'm going to reveal my personally 5 step system for engaging women in sexual foreplay.

Hope you're prepared...

Step #1- Turn her on out in public

Like I said at the start of this article, foreplay starts the moment you see a woman. Even it's HOURS before want to have sex you should start working to turn her on.

Here's how to do it...

When you're with her in public,try  doing little things which will turn her on and put her in the mindset for the sex that'll happen later.

You want her to make her feel attractive and know how beautiful you find her. Try demonstrating these feelings by kissing her or touching her in a provocative manner.

If you're with her at a club or bar, dance with her in suggestive manner and touch her in a seductive manner.

Just remember that foreplay starts long before sex, so do your best to turn her on when you're out in public.

Step #2- Set the right mood

Once you move things back to your home or apartment, you should work towards creating the right kind of atmosphere. What you want to do is create an ambiance which is conducive to seduction.

This means lighting some candles, turning down the lights and playing soothing music. By doing this, you're creating an encounter which will mentally and physically prepare her for sex.

Step #3- Massage in a sensual manner

The best way to start the process of foreplay is to give her a sensual massage. In fact, I would consider this technique to be the best way to prepare a woman for sex.

For best results, try using special massage oils which carry pleasant fragrances and warms the skin. Apply it to her skin and get started!

Initiate the massage her by rubbing her shoulders and neck. Then when you've warmed her up, move to her more intimate areas like her lower back, chest, lower upper thighs.

Massages are a great technique for putting women in the mindset for having sex. As a result, it's important to how the right way to give them. If you're unsure of how to give a proper massage try reading up on this technique and practice till you can become perfect at giving them.

Step #4- Kiss her the right way

As the massage culminates, start kissing her in a seductive manner.

Try kissing her slowly at first then observer her reaction. Once she becomes more passionate, start building up the intensity of your kissing.

One great trick for kissing is to explore the other areas of her body like neck, upper chest and ears. Women are really sensitive creatures, so you can do a lot to turn her on simply by knowing how to kiss.

Step #5- Become more intimate

Eventually your foreplay and kissing will develop into sex.

In order to properly make this transition you should take your time and not try to rush things.

Try slowly undressing one other and exploring her body. One advanced technique is to start with oral sex to get things really going.

What you want to focus on in this last step is to delay the act of sex by teasing her. You want her to practically beg for sex! Then once you start she'll go crazy with passion.

Foreplay is the key ingredient to a great sex session. If you can master this 5 step system, you'll become a master in the bedroom!

By: Scott J

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Men's Guide To Sex On :How to Pick Up a Stripper In Five Easy Steps

For many guys, picking up a stripper is the ultimate conquest!

By pulling this off, you'll have a great time and become the envy of your friends.

But a bit of warning...

Trying to pick up a stripper requires you to be on the top of your game. If you're confident enough and have a plan of action, you can make your fulfill your dreams of picking up a stripper.

In this article, I will give a few tips that'll help you with a stripper. Just remember picking up a stripper isn't that hard. Usually these types of women are insecure and love attention, so if you this system, you can easily pick them up.

Step #1- Fit an image

Typically strippers go for a certain personality in men who are edgy and live an exciting life. That's why you see a lot of strippers going for rock and roll singers.

Now I know you're probably an average guy so you might not have the "rocker" look. But you can increase your chances with a stripper by having the "right look". What you can do is go watch a few popular cover bands in your area and see how the lead singers dress. Then try to matching that image.

While it's not absolutely necessary to dress like a rock guy, you should try to create an image about yourself that will make yourself stand out from your average guy.

Step #2- Pick your right time to go

If you're serious about trying to pick up a stripper, you have to stand out from the crowd. One of the best ways to do this is to go during the right time.

Try to pick nights where business is slow and she has time to talk. This works because there will be less men vying for her affection.

Step #3- Bring a female friend

Strippers LOVE having other women around.

If you can bring an attractive female with you to the club, you'll definitely attract her attention.

Typcially strippers like to compete for men's attention. If your female friend is hot enough, you'll validate yourself by having her with you. By doing this, a stripper will want to work hard for your attention.

Step #4- Don't be like other guys

Your actions inside the club will dictate how a stripper will perceive you. A stripper will be attracted to you if you appear to not care about her affections.

This means sitting away from the main stage area where the girls are dancing, NOT tipping the dancers, tipping the bartender WELL, avoiding the standard "stripper services", and engaging other people in conversations.

The more you can do to enlist allies with the people around you (especially the bartender), the more you'll increase your value in her eyes.

Step #5- Be interesting

When you see a stripper you particularly like, engage her in a conversation. Your goal during this discussion is to be a mysterious person who is both charming and engaging.

By acting in a friendly but aloof manner, you'll become a prize to her. Basically since you're not kissing her butt, she'll wonder why you're not attracted to her. As a result, she'll start to work for your attention.

If you work your conversation well, you can easily get her number and set up an encounter outside the club. Then it's just a matter of using your attraction skills to build towards intimacy.

If you play your cards right and use the attraction building techniques I described in this article, you'll find it easy to pick up a stripper.

By: scottj65 draft 2

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mens Guide To Sex On: How to Increase Sexual Performance with These 5 Simple Steps

Let's face it...

A lot of women judge men largely by their performance in the bedroom. If you can last only for a few minutes, then you've probably failed at pleasing her. As a result, she might end up looking for sex from another guy.

That's why it's important to know how to increase sexual performance with a woman. It could be disastrous if you don't learn how to do this.

To help you out, I am going to cover a few simple tricks that'll help you last longer in bed. In addition these tips will give help you develop the willpower to increase sexual performance with a woman. The more you can apply these techniques, the more she'll go crazy during sex.

Step #1 - Learn to relax

I know it's hard to relax when you have performance anxiety. But in order to increase sexual performance, you'll have to learn to not think about what could wrong.

To be successful in the bedroom, you can't worry about what you're doing wrong. Not only will you probably end up with a self-fulfilling prophecy, you'll probably turn her off with all your anxiety.

So no matter what happens, just relax and enjoy the sexual experience.

Step #2 - Start with Foreplay

Now the key to increase sexual performance is to never concentrate on your own pleasure. Instead focus on the woman you're with. If you can think only about her pleasure, then you won't be so worried about your own performance.

In order to do this, all you have to become a master at foreplay.

By paying attention to her needs and concentrate on her pleasure during foreplay, you'll build up some major intensity. This'll definitely make her crazy with passion.

Step #3 - Tease Her Mercilessly

When engaged in foreplay, start teasing her by initiating sex then pulling back. What you want to do here is make her beg for sex. The more you can make her crazy with desire, the more she'll explode once you start having sex.

Step #4 - Be a Master at Oral Sex

If you're really good at oral sex, then you won't have to worry about knowing how to increase sexual performance. Instead you'll be able to push "all her buttons" and make her orgasm without even having standard sex.

Oral sex is the perfect tool for guys who can't last very long in the sack. So if you're unsure of how to do it, try reading a book or doing research online.

Step #5 - Take your time and tease some more

When you start having sex, you should make sure to take your time and tease her some more. If you start out at a fast and intense pace, you'll probably finish too quickly.

So slow down and take your time.

One technique you can try is to pull out often and tease her in a suggestive manner. By doing this often, she'll probably go crazy with desire. She'll love the fact that you're in control and teasing her.

Knowing how to increase sexual performance is a key element to having a great sex life. By paying attention to the steps that I outlined in this article, you'll find it's easy to become the greatest lover she's ever had!

By: scottj65

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Men's Guide To Sex On: Getting a Girl's Phone Number

When you really understand how to be a natural man with women in the true universal sense, they will be so attracted to you anyways that everything will become easy.

It does not take an intensive study of seduction, pick up art, or memorizing are trying dozens of different techniques are lines. You can really say just about anything and you'll be more likely to have success because you're coming from the proper meta frame and she will respect you.

I try to teach my students just to step back from and look at things from a different perspective instead of being so focused on the pickup lines. She really does have to take a breath of fresh air and see the things that really matter. This really is like Mr. Miyagi teaching Daniel-San in the Karate Kid. But anyways here is just some advice on how to easily get a woman's phone number.

When you are just being a man who lives in his own reality as I teach, you really do not put too much importance on any outcome. You're not afraid to approach any woman even celebrities or actresses when you become congruent with what I teach.

Getting a girl's number is like second nature because you are finally getting in touch with your alpha male pattern behavior which was always there, just clouded over by the thing I called the 'forced reality'. It is not a good idea to say, "Can I have your number?" because you're probably getting across as insecure. How you say something is pretty much everything...way more important than the words.

I want you to think about everything you are saying and have said in the past and ask what frame were you coming from. Were you giving her the power, or did you have natural authority and control over the situation?

How you say something and not just in the superficial sense, but really where you are coming from when you say something is what matters. Women can tell and pick up if you are a smitten regular Joe who is just going to keep calling them over and over again. They want a man who has natural authority, who understands how to play the natural role of attraction.

When you ask a woman, "Can I get your number?" or "Can I take you out sometime?" you are setting up a losing relationship proposition for her. This is a pattern she has seen before with numerous guys who she knows are just going to end up pandering to her and letting her control the direction of the relationship. It's probably going to be the (yawn) courtship approach of 'wooing her'.

She does not want to have the natural authority in the relationship because underneath it all she knows that a man really is supposed to lead the direction of the relationship despite what the feminists may say. This is a great problem in our society, in that the men are not stepping up to the plate and just being naturals. Elsewhere I explain specifically where this comes from.

What works best for me is that I'm just casual or I'll say some kind of comment. If I'm in a social situations such as a party I have found that I would say things like, "Hey let's get together and do something sometime". That is a natural transition into getting her number when done in the right context. Just be purely normal and unphased; there doesn't have to be a mental buildup of 'anything' in your mind. You're normal around yourself, friends and family, so why not women?

It is going to be a challenge for anyone just to get numbers off of the street unless you really do focus on techniques. But where you're coming from anyways is a guy that seems a little more desperate when you have to try and get numbers of women just walking down the street. This does seem a little creepy to them and they may not call you back. It is best to be in social or natural environments where you can interact with them without any sort of creepy context.

Although you may want to get the numbers of each and every hot women walking down the street, you have to remember that beautiful women are everywhere (at least if you are in a big city) and that you are going to have to just be a little more indifferent when it comes to walking down the street. Enjoy the eyecandy and then take advantage of opportunities where it is normally acceptable to talk to people (ie. coffee shop, store in mall, cocktail bar, etc.).

When you can just be casual and natural about the whole thing and not be thrown off by her beauty, she will not feel the pressure that you will keep draining the life out of her or following around at her heels. She's going to be a lot more likely to give a man who secure her phone number because she is more certain that you will not keep calling her all the time. All the 'pick up artists' are trying to fight away around just being a pure natural; it's so much work to be a 'seducer'.

So if you just start a natural conversation with a woman and just speak to her like a normal human being (remember you just have to come from a really strong frame and paradigm that actually cancels out her perception of hers to get through to the 'normal' part of her), then she will be more open to finding out more about you as the more natural process will commence. It's up to you not to set a 'friendship' frame which I teach elsewhere, rather to by a little mysterious, cool, funny, with a sexual edge.

This is how all women want to meet men. They do not want pickup artists hitting on them, although they will often go with these men if they get their techniques just right, or those who do not put up with their crap; just because they finally found 'someone' close enough to the 'real thing'.

The art of just being normal around women is almost gone in our society (esp. when it comes to approaching women). You will find that I will not even have to tell you how to talk to beautiful women or ask them for their phone number when you are just a natural, conversational and interesting man. Everything will commence naturally. I have found this to be true dozens of times in my history.

So if you do start a normal conversation with a woman and she realizes you are not giving in to her and are not fazed by her beauty, she will much more easily drop her barrier of social persona because she does not have to keep her guards out because she finally met a normal guy.

She will still keep her guard up for all of the seducers and pickup artists because she knows that they are playing a game (in which they better be good at if they want a chance with her). Your ability just to be normal will open all the doors you can imagine.

Of course it helps if you are an interesting guy to begin with, and have a little bit of social status yourself. I have generally observed in fact the homelier you are, the more 'hardass' you have to be around these women as far as counteracting anything they might say to you. But even less than average men now stand a great chance, esp. if they can live in a strong, natural reality and spice it up with some other techniques on top of that.

Even if you are one of these average-or-so men, if you can just be normal in the sense that you do not let her control the relationship with her drama, then maybe you will just have to spice things up a little bit by teasing her every now and then. Teasing in a playful, flirty sense is something that I have always done naturally with women and it has always worked.

I'm going to be developing a complementary line of products under the name 'model magnet' that is fully going to exploit a man's potential for rapid attraction with being more of a clever, witty, personality and techniques. A sense of humor helps as well. Women love a funny guy; but too funny equals a 'showman' who will have little chance of a physical relationship. You must be balanced.

But yes to understand that you are coming from your own frame, and that if she gives you her number there's not going to be any Mikey'ness' of calling her immediately after you leave a dozen times (as in Swingers). So if you do not think that I gave you an answer that maybe that is the whole point.

Just think of how you are around other guys and if you meet a cool guy or whatever and you wanna hang out with them in the future as friends or acquaintances, it is very easy to get a phone number. Once you can cut through all of the 'forced reality' that has been throwing you off getting real phone numbers from women will be very easy.

Okay I will try to get a little more technique based for a minute here. When you are just talking to her naturally, tease her little bit, talk about interesting or intriguing things; and I would recommend just walking away from her (not in every case) but to prove that you have your own independence.

If she gets on the phone or starts talking to someone else just walk away; remember that you are living in your own reality and you are seeing if other women may be interesting enough to be invited in for more of a stay. Come back to her after a little while and treat her like a buddy, teas her like a kid sister, but do not overdo it; different women have different tolerance levels (ie. she could be really intimidated by you).

You can really say just about anything and she can be very interested in you when you fully get it. Before you take off, you have found that you have naturally had a conversation with a potentially interesting woman, then just tell her, "Hey, give me your e-mail." Or just, "Give me your phone number". Do not tell her anything else, do not tell her that you will call her and DO NOT high five your buddies on the other side of the room or do a Stifler impersonation on the lacrosse field. You really have to be 'cool' and when you get it, you accept you always get beautiful women and it's a normal part of your life.

She must have the feeling of potentially having a relationship with you where she can just be herself, let her guard down and exercise her desires for fun, freedom and even sex, without you putting a lot of pressure or expectations upon her like 99% of the other guys (even rich, good looking ones).

If you can just be cool, learn to become a more socially 'with it' guy, and lead a life of your own without giving in to her reality, you will find that getting phone numbers from women is the easiest thing and you won't have time enough to develop something with all these women. It would really be easier if you were a social network hub yourself. Since I've been a nightclub promoter and photographer, it is so easy for me on this angle to get their numbers or email addresses; then you can follow up with them later to let them know 'what's up' or where a cool after party is. More on all this stuff in the future. Make sure you subscribe to my free newsletter on

I was recently at a conference where I saw the same woman as I did two years ago who was still single. Out of all of the other guys that were at the conference who kept hanging around her, I was amongst them for a little while and then just walked away will they all just stayed or 'static clinged' around her.

I know that she picked up this energy from this and that I was unlike the rest of the guys. I would naturally tease her about why she took all the food away before I could eat any of it and things like that. No one had to teach me this stuff, it's just 'natural'. At the end I was only one who got her phone number. I asked her "Where are you at?"

And she said Miami I said "okay I'm going down there for another conference, give me your phone number". So she did. If you can just easily set yourself apart from all of the other guys, you have a distinct advantage because they are acting unnatural and you are not.

If at any point when you're talking with the woman who you think might be interesting, before you leave just go ahead and get her e-mail address or phone number and then you can contact her at some other time. Remember you must operate out of your reality with natural authority and control, anything else is not in biological order and women ultimately resent it.

If at any point you feel the conversation is slipping away or you are staying too long around her, either just walk away or just start to walk away and then turn around and tell her to give you her phone number.

By: Rion Williams

Monday, February 13, 2012

Men's Guide To Sex On: Fun and Inexpensive Dating Tips

Traditionally, the world of dating is an expensive one. When we think of taking someone out on a date (especially men), dollar signs flash over our head and we start planning on how to afford it. This isn’t a problem if money is no concern, but what if you’re tight on cash but still want to show that special someone just how much you appreciate them and enjoy their company? There are actually a lot of wonderful solutions, non-conventional dating ideas that can really be a blast. They’re cheap, and more importantly, involve the two of you enjoying each other’s company, so that they’re much more personal.

Picnics are not only cheap, but probably one of the most romantic date ideas out there. – A warm, sunny day (Or even a cold one, with a fluffy sweater and a nice coat to bundle in!), beautiful scenery, and good food make the perfect dating set-up. Unfortunately, they’re a bit cliché. So what can you do to mix your picnic up a little bit? Well, along with your food, bring along an art pad. Try sketching each other, starting out with your very best attempt at realism, and when you’ve shown each other your artistic abilities (Or lack thereof), you can go on to making goofy doodles and funny scribblings! This kind of little, spontaneous activity can spawn some of the most wonderful memories.

Few things say romance likes many of the unknown gems that lie in the small towns of our great nation. Most little towns have old houses that have a long historical tradition, rich gardens, haunted locations, small museums dedicated to the town’s proud history, or other little jewels that often go unnoticed and aren’t advertised. With a little digging online, however, you can find these places, and they provide wonderful opportunities for a fun, romantic date. They’re cheap, too – most little out-of-the-way attractions like these charge less than five dollars! Get your partner and together you can plan your own adventure into a little town.

Mad Lib Movie Night is a great twist on a classic budget dating experience. For this, all you need is a movie, preferably an old B-rated sci-fi flick, chick-flick, or previously taped soap opera episode. At the beginning of the movie, each person is assigned to be one of the major characters, and each one has his or her own notebook with a pencil. Turn the television on mute, and play a scene. During this, each person needs to write down what their character may be saying. You can take a funny twist on it and make it absurd, but it should pertain enough to the premise of the situation that it will make sense when both people put their parts together. When the scene is finished, rewind back to the beginning, keep the television on mute, and this time each person reads aloud the lines as their character would say them! One of the things that this date does so well is brings two people closer – you’ll notice after a few scenes that you can somewhat predict what your partner will write, and can make the lines even more witty.

The thrift store isn’t exactly the kind of place most people think of when they hear “romantic date occasion,” but you’d be surprised. This date will test how well you know your partner. Find a local thrift store, and once you’re inside, split up. It’s now each person’s job to look through all of the items in the store to find the one perfect something for their partner. Both people should try to avoid the other, and neither should see what the other is looking at. When you’re done searching the store and have found the perfect something, go buy it for them (it won’t be expensive.) Then, exchange them on your way out the door! The gift can be romantic, embarrassing, or funny.

Cooking is another activity that can be a wonderful opportunity for you and your date to spend some low-key, quality time with each other. Choose something simple that both of you like, and then the two of you can set to making it, talking and having fun as you work alongside each other. If you’ve got cooking talent, put it to use! Don’t be afraid to experiment a little bit and try new things. In the end, you will hopefully have a delicious something that the two of you can share together. It can be a full meal, or something much simpler like a dessert or snack, but the two of you will be enjoying something that you both made together.

Truly romantic dates don’t have to be spent at five star restaurants, and often the most memorable moments are ones that are more casual, goofy, or simple pure fun. The point of these dates is that you are enjoying the time together with each other and the ability to interact with each other, and that it’s something that can be done on literally any budget. So open your minds, clear out some time on your calendar, and plan a fun, romantic date for just the two of you where you can get to know each other better and create life-long memories.

By:Traditionally, the world of dating is an expensive one. When we think of taking someone out on a date (especially men), dollar signs flash over our head and we start planning on how to afford it. This isn’t a problem if money is no concern, but what if you’re tight on cash but still want to show that special someone just how much you appreciate them and enjoy their company? There are actually a lot of wonderful solutions, non-conventional dating ideas that can really be a blast. They’re cheap, and more importantly, involve the two of you enjoying each other’s company, so that they’re much more personal.

Picnics are not only cheap, but probably one of the most romantic date ideas out there. – A warm, sunny day (Or even a cold one, with a fluffy sweater and a nice coat to bundle in!), beautiful scenery, and good food make the perfect dating set-up. Unfortunately, they’re a bit cliché. So what can you do to mix your picnic up a little bit? Well, along with your food, bring along an art pad. Try sketching each other, starting out with your very best attempt at realism, and when you’ve shown each other your artistic abilities (Or lack thereof), you can go on to making goofy doodles and funny scribblings! This kind of little, spontaneous activity can spawn some of the most wonderful memories.

Few things say romance likes many of the unknown gems that lie in the small towns of our great nation. Most little towns have old houses that have a long historical tradition, rich gardens, haunted locations, small museums dedicated to the town’s proud history, or other little jewels that often go unnoticed and aren’t advertised. With a little digging online, however, you can find these places, and they provide wonderful opportunities for a fun, romantic date. They’re cheap, too – most little out-of-the-way attractions like these charge less than five dollars! Get your partner and together you can plan your own adventure into a little town.

Mad Lib Movie Night is a great twist on a classic budget dating experience. For this, all you need is a movie, preferably an old B-rated sci-fi flick, chick-flick, or previously taped soap opera episode. At the beginning of the movie, each person is assigned to be one of the major characters, and each one has his or her own notebook with a pencil. Turn the television on mute, and play a scene. During this, each person needs to write down what their character may be saying. You can take a funny twist on it and make it absurd, but it should pertain enough to the premise of the situation that it will make sense when both people put their parts together. When the scene is finished, rewind back to the beginning, keep the television on mute, and this time each person reads aloud the lines as their character would say them! One of the things that this date does so well is brings two people closer – you’ll notice after a few scenes that you can somewhat predict what your partner will write, and can make the lines even more witty.

The thrift store isn’t exactly the kind of place most people think of when they hear “romantic date occasion,” but you’d be surprised. This date will test how well you know your partner. Find a local thrift store, and once you’re inside, split up. It’s now each person’s job to look through all of the items in the store to find the one perfect something for their partner. Both people should try to avoid the other, and neither should see what the other is looking at. When you’re done searching the store and have found the perfect something, go buy it for them (it won’t be expensive.) Then, exchange them on your way out the door! The gift can be romantic, embarrassing, or funny.

Cooking is another activity that can be a wonderful opportunity for you and your date to spend some low-key, quality time with each other. Choose something simple that both of you like, and then the two of you can set to making it, talking and having fun as you work alongside each other. If you’ve got cooking talent, put it to use! Don’t be afraid to experiment a little bit and try new things. In the end, you will hopefully have a delicious something that the two of you can share together. It can be a full meal, or something much simpler like a dessert or snack, but the two of you will be enjoying something that you both made together.

Truly romantic dates don’t have to be spent at five star restaurants, and often the most memorable moments are ones that are more casual, goofy, or simple pure fun. The point of these dates is that you are enjoying the time together with each other and the ability to interact with each other, and that it’s something that can be done on literally any budget. So open your minds, clear out some time on your calendar, and plan a fun, romantic date for just the two of you where you can get to know each other better and create life-long memories.

Traditionally, the world of dating is an expensive one. When we think of taking someone out on a date (especially men), dollar signs flash over our head and we start planning on how to afford it. This isn’t a problem if money is no concern, but what if you’re tight on cash but still want to show that special someone just how much you appreciate them and enjoy their company? There are actually a lot of wonderful solutions, non-conventional dating ideas that can really be a blast. They’re cheap, and more importantly, involve the two of you enjoying each other’s company, so that they’re much more personal.

Picnics are not only cheap, but probably one of the most romantic date ideas out there. – A warm, sunny day (Or even a cold one, with a fluffy sweater and a nice coat to bundle in!), beautiful scenery, and good food make the perfect dating set-up. Unfortunately, they’re a bit cliché. So what can you do to mix your picnic up a little bit? Well, along with your food, bring along an art pad. Try sketching each other, starting out with your very best attempt at realism, and when you’ve shown each other your artistic abilities (Or lack thereof), you can go on to making goofy doodles and funny scribblings! This kind of little, spontaneous activity can spawn some of the most wonderful memories.

Few things say romance likes many of the unknown gems that lie in the small towns of our great nation. Most little towns have old houses that have a long historical tradition, rich gardens, haunted locations, small museums dedicated to the town’s proud history, or other little jewels that often go unnoticed and aren’t advertised. With a little digging online, however, you can find these places, and they provide wonderful opportunities for a fun, romantic date. They’re cheap, too – most little out-of-the-way attractions like these charge less than five dollars! Get your partner and together you can plan your own adventure into a little town.

Mad Lib Movie Night is a great twist on a classic budget dating experience. For this, all you need is a movie, preferably an old B-rated sci-fi flick, chick-flick, or previously taped soap opera episode. At the beginning of the movie, each person is assigned to be one of the major characters, and each one has his or her own notebook with a pencil. Turn the television on mute, and play a scene. During this, each person needs to write down what their character may be saying. You can take a funny twist on it and make it absurd, but it should pertain enough to the premise of the situation that it will make sense when both people put their parts together. When the scene is finished, rewind back to the beginning, keep the television on mute, and this time each person reads aloud the lines as their character would say them! One of the things that this date does so well is brings two people closer – you’ll notice after a few scenes that you can somewhat predict what your partner will write, and can make the lines even more witty.

The thrift store isn’t exactly the kind of place most people think of when they hear “romantic date occasion,” but you’d be surprised. This date will test how well you know your partner. Find a local thrift store, and once you’re inside, split up. It’s now each person’s job to look through all of the items in the store to find the one perfect something for their partner. Both people should try to avoid the other, and neither should see what the other is looking at. When you’re done searching the store and have found the perfect something, go buy it for them (it won’t be expensive.) Then, exchange them on your way out the door! The gift can be romantic, embarrassing, or funny.

Cooking is another activity that can be a wonderful opportunity for you and your date to spend some low-key, quality time with each other. Choose something simple that both of you like, and then the two of you can set to making it, talking and having fun as you work alongside each other. If you’ve got cooking talent, put it to use! Don’t be afraid to experiment a little bit and try new things. In the end, you will hopefully have a delicious something that the two of you can share together. It can be a full meal, or something much simpler like a dessert or snack, but the two of you will be enjoying something that you both made together.

Truly romantic dates don’t have to be spent at five star restaurants, and often the most memorable moments are ones that are more casual, goofy, or simple pure fun. The point of these dates is that you are enjoying the time together with each other and the ability to interact with each other, and that it’s something that can be done on literally any budget. So open your minds, clear out some time on your calendar, and plan a fun, romantic date for just the two of you where you can get to know each other better and create life-long memories.

By: Cole Carson

Friday, February 10, 2012

Men's Guide To Sex On: Get Your Ex Back - The Do's And Don'ts Of Pursuing Your Ex Girlfriend Back

You have heard and seen a lot of things pertaining to how you can get your ex back, and for sure, you have done every single one of them to endure your success in reclaiming the love that you have lost.

When you decide to get your ex back, you are making a personal commitment to do everything in your power to make sure that your ex girlfriend knows how much you still love her and would go to any lengths just to prove it. It will test your faith and perseverance because it will not be easy.

Patience is also a major player in this process. You will not be successful initially. And if you are patient enough, you can be guaranteed that at the end of the day, you will get what you want.

But how do you really get your ex back? Is there a secret formula, a tried-and-tested way of convincing your ex to change her mind and give you another shot at love?

It's hard to say that there is because the situation of different people will have different solutions. You can never tell if there is a universal formula on getting an ex lover back.

However, there are two things that remain constant in the process of getting an ex back: the do's and don'ts of getting your ex back.



You still need to show concern for your ex. Even if the two of you have had a not-so-good break up, you still need to show her that you care about her. Take interest in what she likes to do, the things happening to her, etc. Being friends with her friends is one way to do this.


A confident man is an attractive man. When you walk with your head held high and move without insecurities, people will marvel at you. They will notice the carefree, confident stride in your walk, and how sexy your voice is when you talk. You need to work on building self-esteem and getting rid of insecurities.

Positive thinking

The law of attraction shows us that what happens to us are usually the things that we let our minds think. So if you want to get your ex back, you need to picture that in your head and truly believe that you will get her back. Otherwise, your efforts will all be in vain.


You have to be mature enough to accept the situation. This is the only way you can be able to move on and interact with her honestly. Accept the fact that you've broken up and move on.



Your ex girlfriend will not like it if you give her the cold shoulder. This will make her think that you are still bitter about what happened so she will not get back with you.


This will really kill your chances of getting your ex back. Who would want to be with a loser who's always jealous of other guys and have no sense of self-worth? No one.

Destructive behavior

Negative thinking will ruin all your chances in the world. It's like you're already shouting to the universe your wishes of failure. Know that everything starts in the head; that it's always mind over matter. If you think negatively all the time, you will attract negative vibes.


This is probably the most important of all. To gain back her trust, you must show her that you respect whatever her decision is, her need for time, and the way she handled things.

Don't let anything stop you if you really want to get your ex back. These are enough tips to keep you going.
