Sunday, November 23, 2014

Men's Guide 2 Sex On: How To Know If She's Into You

    Sometimes it can be hard to know when a women is into you. Women give a lot of mixed signals. It is usually done for one of two reasons. It is either done for one, test you or two, not to look to easy. This is a game women have been playing for years. In any event, it's a game you need to figure out juts to know if you're wasting your time or not. So today's posts is about what to look for so you can figure it out.
      The biggest giveaways are her body language. How she stands, how she sit, what she is doing while she stands and sits are all giveaways on how she feels about you. If she plays with her hair while talking to you is a big one. Putting her back to the rest of the world and focusing on you is a sure sign. Leaning in towards you when you talk is another one. Unnecessary touching is a huge one. This is her way of showing possession (telling all the other girls this one is mine). Now not doing these things isn't a sign that she isn't interested, they're just signs that she is interested.

    There are also signs in the way she reacts to you while in proximity. For example always laughing at all your jokes is a good sign that she I interested. Giggling says she really thought it was funny but is trying to hold back how funny it really was. With laughing, it's one extreme or another. So if she is laughing at them all, then that's a sign she doesn't think that they're all funny but she wants to let you know she's into the conversation. Keeping constant eye contact is another sure sign. Being very enthusiastic towards you in general can be considered a way of determining that she's into you. If she is calm and start to be herself around you, says she is relaxed around you and trusts you. Therefore if it happens, you're in.

      When you're not necessarily in the same place, they tend to leave signs as well. If she keeps popping up in places where you always hang out is one sign. If she makes sure you have a way to contact her (email, cell phone, work phone) is a way of determining if she likes you. If she always seem available to help you with your needs is a clue she might be a little interested. Giving you a pet name or sending you a lot of text messages is a sign. All ways asking you questions or constantly asking your advice on something is an obvious clue. If you're getting these signals, just ask her out and look for the other signals on the date to figure out how much.

     Well those are a few of the ways to find out if a girl is into you. There are a lot more, but this a blog post, not a book. So you need to go practice to find some more. With that being said, go out and meet some women and see if they work. While you're at it, you can get some practice.

Intimate Asking

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Men's Guide 2 Sex On: Knowing When To Go In For The Kiss

      How to know when to go for a kiss can be a difficult thing to figure out. Once a guy asked me how do I get a girl to kiss me. Well it's like this, you don't get girls to kiss you. You kiss girls. As far as they are concerned they don't kiss boys, they got kissed. Women love to kiss, especially if a guy is good at it. Depending on how good looking you are, you can probably just walk up to random women and start kissing them. You would be surprised on how many women would sleep with a guy just to keep the kissing coming. You would even be more surprised on how many women won't sleep with a guy just because he isn't good at kissing. The only reason you're not allowed to start kissing them immediately on a date is because she's worried about what you will think of her. So don't underestimate the importance of kissing when it comes to women and sex.

    If you go on a date with a girl, she is thinking in her mind “I wonder if he is going to kiss me or try and kiss me.” Even if she doesn't kiss on the first date, she probably at least wants you to try. There is a better than 50% chance she wouldn't be on the date at all if she hasn't thought about kissing you. There are those occasions where they give mercy dates just to be nice and they have no intentions of ever kissing you. Those situations are very rare, most women aren't doing that and if that's the case, you will recognize that situation very early. If you're date ends in two hours and / or in the middle of the day, that is usually the situation. If you're not sure, a phone call afterward will clear it up. In any event if she is on that date, she is expecting a kiss at the end of it. Now she may change her mind by the end of it but when she first got there she was expecting a kiss or at least an attempt.

   The kiss for women is the ultimate reassurance that you like them. When you don't try and kiss them, their insecurities start to mess with them and they ask “what is wrong with me? Does he think I'm gross? Why isn't he trying to make a move?” So not trying to kiss can and probably will turn her off. Now that all of that is out of the way, it brings me to the point of this post. Knowing when to try for that kiss.

      Well first sign is the licking or touch of the lips. When she does that she is definitely think what would it be like to kiss you. So that is the first sign on you should start planning on creating an opportunity. The second clue is the invasion of personal space. She either starts to invade yours or allows you to invade hers. You should also know women get anxious. So they position themselves for certain things they are ready for. Like if you haven't approached a women yet and she's sitting next to you, she might start to point her legs in you're direction in preparation for you're approach. That's just an example. They tend to do the same kind of thing when it come to kissing. They might start leaning in every time you start talking to her. Now there is a way is to test it. Now the way to do that is to touch her on the elbow lightly with one hand and then point to something behind her with the other and ask about it. If she doesn't tense up and lets you get into the personal space, she is definitely ready for you to try.

     Now you know the female mind when it comes to kissing. I hope this post has been helpful in letting you know when and how to find out if and when to kiss a girl. With that being said go out and have some fun.

Intimate Asking

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Men's Guide 2 Sex On: Writing Love Letters

       This post is about love letters. If you want to really turn your significant other on, try a love letter. A good love letter is something she will cherish and keep for years, even after the relationship has ended. It is a way to show how you feel in a very emotional and personal level. She will appreciate it in ways that no one can explain. It's a way to be intimate without being physical. When you can get an intimate connection with a woman without being physical, you can write yourself a blank check into her heart life and pants. She is yours for whatever you want. It doesn't matter if it's a mailed letter or a card, you will be forever in her heart if you can put your feeling in words. So here are a few tips to help you create that work of art love letter.

  •     First of all be personal. Put things that relate to only you and her. If there is an inside joke that only you two share then put a reference to it in there. A memorable trip that comes to mind that brought out some emotions, mention how you felt about it. All of these things will make the letter feel very personal and sincere. Your letter should sound like it came from the heart.

  •     Next tip tell her what she wants to hear. Mention how much you need her. Let her know how beautiful you think she is. Tell her how beautiful she is and why you think she's beautiful. Don't just mention physical traits but personality traits as well. That way she doesn't feel like your feelings are shallow.

  •     Another tip is be sure to mention how much you cherish her. Women like to here how much they are appreciated. It will show you don't take her for granted. Mention some of the things she does for you. Say you don't know what you would do without her. Talk about how you feel when she's not around and how much you miss her.

  •     Also don't be afraid to get sexual either. Women love to feel desirable. Believe it or not, women do like bringing out unadulterated lust out of a man. If you were together a long time, she will definitely like the idea that she still does that for you. You want to aim for sultry but nasty does work. This will take some of the sappiness out of the letter. So don't be scared to get a little naughty in your letter. Just don't over do it. Too much will take away from the letter.

  • Last tip is to be sentimental. Share your feelings. Be sure to show your emotions. You need to express how much you love her and why. Women are very emotional creators. They are practically slaves to their emotions. So your letter should trigger these emotions. Use metaphors and compare her and your emotions to things she can relate to. Simply put you want to pour your heart out. If you do this tip right, the rest of the love letter almost doesn't matter.

     Now you know what you need to do to write a good love letter. The good thing about love letters is they can save you a lot of trouble when it comes to communication. Men are always being accused of not expressing how they feel or showing their emotions. If you get this a lot from your lady, This is a sure fire way of avoiding a lot of these fights. Also sometime it's true. You maybe the type of guy that can't talk about thing like that and the letter is a way out. Also it's a way of being romantic. If you send a love letter to the house when you're not there by the time you get home she will have taken care of the rest. A letter is a great way to get closer to a woman without the work that other interaction require and it usually works faster and a lot better as well. So don't underestimate it's power. With that being said, get to writing.

By: Intimate Asking

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Men's Guide 2 Sex On: Dating Shy Girls

    A woman can be shy for any number of reasons. Maybe she was teased in school growing up. She could have had a very bad past experience, or maybe she isn't that shy of a person but get shy around guys and intimate encounters. In any event if you want her, her shyness can and will be a problem if you don't get her to open up. The good news is her shyness is a dead giveaway on how she feels about you. If she is shy around you but still hangs out with you, then she definitely likes you. When she finally opens up to you and you have made what you're intentions clear, then you know you have the green light to move forward. Which we all know is the biggest problem when it comes to women ( reading them ).

     Women are very self conscious as a whole but shy women, even more so. Inside they are asking themselves why me. If she likes you then she is saying to herself “he probably doesn't and never will like me.” More to the point, they just fear that they are making a fool of themselves. If you can reassure them that you like them and that you are the biggest clown of the two, she will relax and open up. The whole situation may seem like shy girls are difficult but to be honest, they are usually quite an easy score once you get them past their shyness.

      The key to shy women is pressure. Let them understand that there is no pressure to do anything that they are not comfortable with. She will eventually warm up to you and then put pressure on herself to see that things move forward. If you put too much pressure on her early she will run or shut down and avoid you just to get out of the situation. So here are a few tips to help you capture a very easy and worth while target for whatever your desires maybe. The one night stand is going to be harder than a date but that's the case with most women.

      First tip is to take control of the situation and let her know that you like her. Compliment her often. Let her know you like the way she smells or her hair ( Stay away from looks, eyes, and body ). Talk about how much you like her style. Basically reassure her that you're into her. Not too much though, otherwise she won't believe you. Their confidence isn't high enough to believe you totally. They will think you're saying whatever to get into her pants. The second tip is alcohol. Get her drinking. It isn't called liquid courage for nothing. Thirdly ask her what her concerns are. Unlike most women, they wont mind and probably will answer and be honest about it. Then address the problem to reassure her. Also it will show you plan on being patient with her to take away some of the pressure. When asking questions, try asking things that require more than one word answers. Ask things like why did she choose that profession. My fourth tip is to talk about and do things that she likes or knows. In other words, keep her in her type of environment. It will help her to relax and open up around you. The last tip is to make her laugh. If you can get her laughing she will forget how insecure she is. Now those are just a few tips on what you should do.

      Well now that you know what to do to capture her, there are few things I should mention that you want to try and avoid. The first thing is not to keep mentioning how shy she is or pointing out anything about her insecurities. Shy girls already know that they are shy, so it will only make her even more insecure about it if you keep bringing it up. The second tip is to avoid places where she might run into her friends and people she knows. That way she wont feel self conscious about what her friends might think. That tip is for everything, asking her out, going for a kiss or maybe even approaching her in the first place. Anywhere that will help her keep you on her mind and everything else off her mind. Depending on the situation you made need to get her on a date to make any serious moves. The next thing I want to mention not to do, is force anything. That means don't push her to talk about things that she doesn't want to talk about or do things she doesn't want to do. Don't harass her about how quiet she is or doesn't talk to much either. Another tip is stay away from public displays of affection. It will only tense her up. Finally don't give any inclination that it bothers you that she's shy, but it is equally important that you don't say you like the fact that she's shy.

     Now you know all you need to know to get a shy girl. I recommend shy women to all men, because it doesn't matter what type of guy you are, she is very obtainable. If you're the type of guy that doesn't embarrass easily and have no problem approaching women but have trouble sealing the deal, then I recommend the shy girl because women like strength in their men, especially in places where they lack it. So she will let it all loose once you get her to open up and be proud of herself for doing it. If you're the timid guy that is insecure when it comes to women, the shy girl will probably move at pace more comfortable for you. Not to mention, with her it's not as important to be the confident alpha male that most other women require. If you're the guy who always gets too nice, then this is the chick who will definitely appreciate you. Now with that being said go out and have some fun with a woman that will probably like the attention and you.

By : Intimate Asking

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Men's Guide 2 Sex On: Picking The Right Target For One Night Stands

   Picking your target is probably the most important part, because going after hot instead of going after ready is one of the biggest mistakes.  If your looking for a date I do recommend the hot girl but if want to get laid tonight you need the ready. The only time focusing on the hot girl for a one night stand is when there is a group of them.  She will have the most confidence to fuck you and not care if you call. The less attractive one doesn’t get a lot of male attention and will try and get a date out of the situation. Other than that hot girls are good targets only when the following applies. What most men don’t realize that women go out looking to get laid almost as much as men do, the problem for them is, they are just a little more particular about it. For them, six and a half just isn’t good enough. They want hot and interesting or even better smooth. The smooth guy for them is the one who does this kind of thing all the time and is probably good in bed just out of practice. Now picking exactly who is ready and looking for the one night stand that you’re looking for can be tricky, because lets face it, women don’t advertise that they are looking to get some.

  The girls on vacation are a good target. One of the main reason why women aren’t more promiscuous is because they are worried about their reputation. They don’t want to be labeled a slut, but while on vacation it is like being Vegas. What happens there stays there. So in other words you don’t count. You would be a freebie that she doesn’t have to add to her number. While searching for women on vacation, foreign women would be the best target and for several different reasons. First of all the accents, we find them sexy. Well so do the women. If English isn’t her first language she will be proud of herself that she is able to hold a conversation with you, so she doesn’t mind talking to you. Then there is the culture factor. No matter what country they are from their attitude about casual sex is probably different than yours and either way it benefits you. Either their culture is more constricting about sex in which case they want to take advantage of the freedom or their culture is a little more lax and it’s time to take advantage of an opportunity. Also foreign women usually like our approach. We are usually aggressive without being disrespectful. In other countries, the aggressive men are usually quite rude. Aggressiveness is always sexy because it suggests confidence. So from their perspective they’re not sure on how to handle the situation. On the one hand they like our approach and think we’re cute and interesting but on the other hand they’re not quite ready to jump in bed with us. To sum it up for some of them it is probably better to jump in bed with him than to miss out on sleeping with him all together.

    Getting to a bar early and targeting women that come in for happy hour is also good. There are a lot of women that had a long day and just want to feel better. Maybe they got fired, had a long meeting or just had a bad week. In any case they just want a drink and to relax. If you get them talking, all you need is two hours and a few drinks and it’s on. Another reason they are good targets is because their guard is down. They figure the guy in the bar is less interested in hooking up than the guy hitting on them at 2:30 in the morning. Also a lot of these women are girls who are very career oriented. So they don’t have time for a relationship. The one night stand is for the most part their only option when it comes to intimacy. The best part is, these ladies are easy to spot. Just look for the girl by herself in a bar at 6:30 in the afternoon. Also there is usually a lot less competition. No where near as many guys and the few that are there are probably not that desirable, making her options limited. So if you get to her first with some decent conversation it shouldn’t be that hard to seal the deal. The whole process shouldn't take that much time as well.  If your timing is perfect and your approach is good, you can be in at six, at her place by nine, and back home in your bed by eleven to get a good nights sleep.

        Girls that just broke up with their boyfriends are fantastic targets. They are very emotional and easy to pick up. All you have to do is listen to their sob story. Not only that, you can do no wrong. Everything you do is perfect. Either it’s something her ex never did and that’s good because it’s not him or her ex boyfriend use to do that and it reminds her of him. Usually they like hooking up with other guys just to prove to themselves that the breakup wasn’t their fault. That they are still desirable and their ex is just a loser. Also their friends are less likely to get in your way. They know she is down and if you can help her forget about her ex then as far as they’re concerned you deserve a free crack at her, and she really needs it. It all boils down to you making her feel better. One thing everyone takes for granted in a relationship is sex. It’s something you can count on getting at least once a week if not more, but when you’re single then it’s not uncommon to go a few months. In other words, you do realize what you got until it’s gone and that goes double for sex. Granted women can hold out longer than men can but if you catch a girl that has gotten use to twice a week and all of a sudden it’s been three weeks it increases your chances because she hasn’t gotten back into single mode yet.

         This next target is going to sound a little crazy but believe me when I say they are prime targets, married women. The longer they’ve been married the better. They have had the same thing for so long that they are so longing for something different. Also a lot of time husbands don’t show them attention they use to or don’t put in the time to make them feel desirable. They aren’t looking to end their marriage as much as they are just board with what they got. So a romp with a stranger they will never see again can be appealing. All they need is to believe they won’t get caught. I’m not saying that all married women are looking to cheat as much as I’m saying it is either going to be the hardest sex you ever got or the easiest sex you ever got. Now I said the longer the better but a newlywed is a pretty good target as well. Between the six month period and the year and a half period is the time to strike, just when the realization that she is married kicks in. Statistics say the first year of marriage is the hardest. Now I use the term married loosely. To be more accurate I mean women in long term relationships. Engaged, long term boyfriend etc. Engaged may even be better. There are the prewedding jitters that kick in or they’re worried about making a mistake. Sometime they know there about to marry the wrong guy and just don’t know how to call it off. In any event it’s the change in the relationship that triggers the opportunity. There is a difference between boyfriend and fiance. A fresh engagement not so much but one that’s been on for a few months and it has hit her that it’s really on, there is your target. To take it a step further the longer she’s been engaged the better your chances. If they’ve been engaged more than a year and there is no date set, if she thinks your hot then it is almost guaranteed. This means one of two things, she has push to set a date and he comes up with reasons not to or she won’t come up with one because she isn’t sure about him. Either way there is a problem and no ones talking about it.  Pretty much the same logic with long term relationships, four years and no engagement or proposals then either he’s proposed and she isn’t sure about him or he hasn’t and she’s insecure on why not and getting tired of waiting.

         Last but not least, older women are awesome targets. They have lived a little and to be honest they just don’t care anymore. For them the random hook up is about them. They decided they want it and they’re going to get it. They aren’t going to hint or play a game, they‘re just going to get to the point. It’s make sure you're into it so they know they’re not going to get rejected and then it’s on. For them the dating pool has gotten a lot smaller and the periods between sexual encounter are few and far between so lets not waist time.  Simply put, as far as they’re concerned you’re the one being used. I just recommend you being good, because they have little patience for bad lovers. Did I mention that they’ve gathered about twenty years of sexual experience and can probably give it to you so hard that you end up with whiplash. If you find an older woman at the bar pounce immediately. The good thing is if she isn’t interested she’ll let you know that to.


      With that being said, we have reached the conclusion of this portion of this exercise and I hope you have gotten some valuable information. It is our hope that you use this valuable information a take full advantage of it. What you have read here combine with what you have already read on this site will help you in your quests to achieve your goals in the intimacy area of your life.

By: intimate asking

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Men's Guide 2 Ses On: Ugly Men Have A Better Chance Than Good Looking Men When Picking Up Women

      What if I told you an ugly guy has a better chance at getting every girl he meets than a good looking one does. Well it’s true. The good looking guy’s chances are only better when the girl is really looking to get laid. The ugly guy’s chances are better in every other situation. When a woman sees a guy that she thinks is attractive unless she is really open to being seduced, her guard goes up when he comes to approach. When an ugly guy approaches it’s a different train of thought. Women know whether or not they would sleep with a guy within the first two minutes of seeing him. They decide if they will within the first five. Now they change their mind back and forth both ways as the conversation continues, but rest assured that it is a very rare thing, where a guy talks a girl into sleeping with him. For her it was a far gone conclusion. So unless you’re in a bar or a club, Jack Black has a better chance than Brad Pitt.


      Now I know what you’re thinking, how is this possible? They are going to make the good looking guy work harder. They are not going to make it but so easy for him, unless there is competition and they’re determined to win. Otherwise they want him to put in the effort so that they don’t feel like another notch in his belt. The ugly as far as she’s concerned she isn’t attracted to him so her guard isn’t as strong. There is a good chance she is only talking to him because she bored, looking for attention or just doesn’t want to be a bitch. So for her it’s like, sure I’ll let Quasimodo get a swing at the bat. She probably won’t even throw hard. It’s like a fight between Mike Tyson and Mini me. Mike is only going to put up enough defense to make sure he doesn’t loose, play with him for a while, then crush him with one punch when he gets bored. Now what Mike doesn’t know is mini me is holding a gun in his shorts and is just waiting for the perfect moment to pull it out and put two in his head. In other words all the ugly guy has to do is, arm himself with the right pick up techniques and he will win any girl over because her guard is down. She didn’t think he was attractive in the first place, so she humors him because she didn’t feel threatened. Next thing she knows, she’s been talking to him for a few hours and has enjoyed every second of it. Then all of a sudden she realizes he isn’t as ugly as she thought. Depending on which techniques you use will depend on whether you get her number, a date, or her panties on your floor. So don't let being fat or old or ugly stop you from reaching your full potential with women. All you need is confidence and the right techniques to get the majority of the women you meet.

By: Intimate asking