Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Men's Guide 2 Sex On: Tips For Nice Guys

      This post is for the nice guys. The guys that deserve everlasting love but doesn't get it because he doesn't excite potential mates. There is a saying, nice guys finish last. Unfortunately when it comes to dating that is true more often than not. You would think with all the complaining women do about men, a nice guy would be fought over like Brad Pitt but the truth is nice guys have the worst time when it comes to dating. To be honest the problem for the most part is just women are immature when it comes to romance. Instead of simply settling for the guy that love respects and treats her well, they spend 10 to 15 years being abused by bad boys in hopes of taming the beasts before appreciating the good men that like them and treats them well from the beginning. That's here nor there. You are not a bad boy and you don't have to be one. So this post is going to talk about problems of being a nice guy and what to do about it.

     The problem with nice guys is simple, they are usually patient, kind, understanding, and cooperative. These things are a problem for several reasons. Women think way too much into things. They look at certain traits the wrong way and come to ridiculous conclusions. Also they can be selfish and a little manipulative. With that being said, here are some don't do s when dealing with women. Don't be her doormat. If you're just friends, then stay just friends. Treat her like one of the guys friends and limit favors to what an average guy friend would get. Don't buy her drinks, pick her up from the airport or drop off her dry cleaning. Those are things for her boyfriend. They don't give you romance because they don't have to. It's the same as buy the cow, milk for free rule. Nice guys tend to be overly nice in the hope of impressing them and win them over. Which brings me to my next don't. Being overly cooperative is another big no. They see your cooperation as you're too eager to please and a sign of desperation. So don't inconvenience yourself for her. Especially if she knows you like her. There is more than a 50% chance that is the reason she asked, to use you. To sum it all up, women need to date you and discover that you are patient, kind, understanding, and cooperative, rather than see those thing upfront. If it's too early, they wont see them that way. They will see you as needy, spineless, feminine and pathetic. You are not a challenge and not worth their time. At best she will consider you after she has had enough of being used and abused by the bad boys. In the mean time she will just view you as some one to boost her ego.

    Now here are a few things to do that will help our cause. First is don't be afraid to put a woman in the friend zone. Once she gets there keep her there and don't let her out without earning it. When she earns it, make her earn her way out slowly. She goes from friend to friend with benefits or booty call. Then move her to something very casual, to then something more meaningful. Second is to limit the amount of attention you give women. Let her wonder how much you are into her. She will assume you are naturally but her insecurities will mess with her and look for clues. So don't give her any. Third is to set boundaries and stick to them. Women will push their luck with you to see what she can get away with. Make sure when she does, she knows early where she stands. Fourth when you do something for her, make sure it is appreciated and reciprocated later. Ask for something small if you have to just to see that it is reciprocated. If she cant do it then, then ask for something again later to give her second shot but if she doesn't do it then cut it loose and put her in the friend zone. In other words make sure you get the effort you're putting in. Fifth pick nice girls or at least mature who have had enough of the bullshit games and will appreciate your kindness. You shouldn't have to play these foolish childish games with them and the right girl is usually the one that realizes that and doesn't do it. Lastly but most importantly have confidence. Remember that as a nice guy you are the man of her dreams, she is just too immature and inexperienced to see it. Know you don't need them you want them. As long as you have that attitude you will elude confidence and be fine.

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