Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Men's Guide To Sex On: First Date Talk - Five Best Ways To Stop Nervousness And Have Fun

   Inwardly you gave yourself a high-five when she said yes to a first date. Now, as the hour approaches, you're feeling a little less elated and a lot more troubled. You don't know her yet - what are you going to talk to her about? Fear not, help is nigh. Here's some advice for first date talk which will have her begging for seconds.

1) Know What Women Enjoy In A Man

    Firstly, women adore a man having a strong identity. So know what you're about: what dreams and goals do you have? What values do you subscribe to? What issues get you all fired up? When you are passionate about something, you are tapping into the second thing that women strongly respond to in a man - the capability to arouse her emotions.

    The best way to stimulate her emotions is by story-telling. This lets you be inventive and perhaps a little off-beat in your communication - which makes you interesting and may appeal to her emotions. For example, when you tell her about the latest movie you've seen, do include descriptions of how it made you feel, what thoughts and emotions came up for you. And be vivid, be alive!

   Another way to get her feelings flowing is by asking her about her favorite music. Get her to tell you how she feels when she hears that certain song; she'll re-live the emotions when doing so - just what you want!

2) Take The Lead

    One thing you certainly don't have to hesitate doing is to take control of the conversation. That's because women just love a confident man. If she's not asking questions, or talking to you about something, or you just feel the conversation is lagging, grasp the opportunity. Show her that you have enough confidence to take the lead. Change the topic - choose something that you are familiar with and can speak about enthusiastically.

3) Don't Drown Her in "Guy Stuff"

   When a conversation starts lagging, it's very tempting for guys to start talking about their hobby or passion. But please do avoid talking about male pastimes unless you already know that she's into them. And even then, watch out that you don't get carried away and overdo things. Women find a man who talks with passion very attractive - but not when it's an endless monologue!

So, if the conversation slows, find a new topic. For example, you could ask her to tell you about her favorite activity...

4) Leisure Pastimes

    All of us, both men and women, normally respond positively and with passion when we're invited to tell about our favorite things. Ask her to tell you about the things she loves. Is it music, or books, movies, sport? Or perhaps occasionally it's just doing nothing, except perhaps to cuddle up, or daydream and fantasize. Use the opportunity to examine mutual likes and dislikes, and find activities that you both enjoy and could use as a basis for future dates.

5) From Pastime To Obsession

    So what does she get high on, if anything? Does she do drugs, or alcohol? Or is it religion, or saving the planet? Whatever it is, you want to know now rather than later! You may have one or two dependencies or "convictions" of your own which you should convey to her - if these are shared, then probably good and well. But do find out about her early rather than later - I mean, could you or would you like to live with a five-in-the-morning snorting habit? Or a thrice daily meditator? When just as she's getting deeply into it the bundle of joy starts yodeling for her mother's breast?

6) Parting Shots

    Apply the five tips above and you should have at least not just an interesting date but also a lot of fun. Do remember, however, to ask a lot of questions - first date talk is (amongst other things) about finding out about each other. So do pay attention to what she says - not only will you learn a lot about her, you'll also pick up cues to ask new questions and lead the conversation in an easy and natural manner.

By: www.winanywoman.com

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