Sunday, July 26, 2015

Mens Guide To Sex On: Creating Sexual Tension

     Building sexual tension is probably the most important part in seducing a woman. It's what will get her in the position you want her in. Whether it's for a relationship or something purely sexual. Woman are a lot more like us than we want to admit. When it comes to sex and relationships, there are very few differences and there are a lot of exceptions that make those differences go away. The three main differences in us are options, frustrations, and opportunity. We all have all three. The difference is the reasons why. Women's options are limited because of connection and spark. The amount of available guys that are capable of making a connection and creating a spark are few and far between. So that creates a lack of opportunity, therefore a certain level of frustration develops. For men figuring out how to connect and creating the sparks is the problem. That is the reason for our frustration. There are no limits to opportunity because we are the main one's responsible for initiating contact. So every woman we pass is an opportunity. Which brings me to the point of this post, if you can make a connection, she is hoping you can make a spark. Sexual tension is that spark and this post is going to tell you how to do that.

          To build sexual tension there are a few things you want to remember. The first thing is to be relaxed. If you're relaxed it will make it easier for her to relax. Women are very in tune to your body language. That's how they do most of their communication. Not being relaxed can give off any number of bad vibes. That is the advantage bad boys, players, and even married men have over the average guy. They are already getting sex, so they're not desperate for it. They always have a very calm and laid back demeanor towards sex. They're just looking for the next conquest. If they don't score, they have something lined up as back up just in case what they are going for doesn't work out. Which brings me to moods, moods are contagious. Ever go to a great party in a bad mood and stay more than two hours? Do you leave that party in a bad mood? How about a funeral of some one you barely knew, are you sad when you get there? Are you sad when you leave? This is what I'm talking about. The mood gets reflected. This is what you need to do in building sexual tension. Not only do you need to do it but you need to do it properly as well. So not being relaxed is the first huge mistake most guys make. Not being relaxed gives off a lack of confidence. Another mistake is getting too flirty or sexual too early. That gives a needy desperate vibe, or maybe even creepy, also not good. Waiting too long to get sexual or flirty as well makes a few problems. Women are bigger perverts than we are ( Social etiquette are the only reason they don't make it known ). So in their mind, because of the many men hitting on them once they get in their head that you are not a sexual option, it's on to the next one. Simply put, be confident and relaxed from the beginning or you're defeated before you even start.

   Women are emotional creatures. So to make a connection is easy. Talk about emotional topics. Family, friends, and future plans are all emotional safe topics .The trick is not sounding generic. Being generic puts you in a position of counting on your looks. If you're really good looking, she may be willing to let you get away with it a little more than most guys but you will get old fast. You want to stick out. Being generic doesn't make you stick it, it makes you look like every other guy before you. When you seem different than the other guys she has been talking to, she will want to try and figure out why you are different. That's how mysterious factor kicks in. Mystery is very important when creating sexual tension. She has a pretty good idea on why you are talking to her but until the flirting starts, there is a level of uncertainty and a woman's insecurity intensifies it five times. So as long as you're a mystery, she will probably keep talking to you. So being a little ambiguous about your intentions at first is in your best interest. Now these are the first stage of building sexual tension. As you continue to talk to her, start to use using subliminal messages. By simply using key words, you can stimulate certain emotions. Words like passion, love, tight, position and yes. These are all words that have a sexual undertone that if use innocently enough can and probably will get her sexual juices flowing. The trick is to use them innocently without coming off sexually or even flirty. If you do this properly, you will peak her interests.

     Now this brings me to the final portion of creating sexual tension, reflecting the mood. Once you have peaked her interests, you want to start thinking about her in a sexual way. Maybe imagine her in the positions you want to get her in. Think about how you want to kiss her. Before you say something to her, say in your head ( not out loud ) “I really want to tear your ass up but,” then say what you really was going to out loud. The trick is to change the mood in her mind by changing the mood in yours. Trust me when I say she will pick up on the vibe. Now if she isn't responding go back to respectful and ambiguous immediately. You can always try again later. If you are doing this and she is responding or even just still there, means you have done it right. Then it's just a matter of flirting. Flirt without coming off as cheesy, and she is yours to do with as you will. With that, I end this post and send you forward to conquer.

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