Sunday, July 12, 2015

Mens Guide To Sex On: Why Older Women Are Better

     This post is dedicated to older women. Older women can be a relief from younger women in so many ways. Younger women can only compare physically and even that is a matter of opinion. Take that out of the equation, and it's like fine wine. It only gets better with age. Then it's a matter of how much can you drink before you get drunk. To explain all the reasons why an older woman might be a better romantic option for whatever intimate needs you require would take a book, but because there are so many it will not take long to make my point. So lets stop wasting time and get into it shall we?

     First of all, younger women want attention. Older women want respect. Her sex appeal comes from how she carries herself. Even if she has a nice body, her mind is what will get you wanting to tear her clothes off. Simply put she knows the difference between being sexy and looking slutty. Sexually she is young enough to do it often and old enough to do it well. They are at their sexual peak and will want it more than you do, and they knows exactly how to get it from you. They also have at least a decade of practice under her belt to make it worth your wild. Also depending on her experience, she is probably more willing to experiment. Younger women are usually very indecisive. They have no idea what they want. Even when they get what they think they want, they usually change their mind after they get it. To take it one step further, when they loose it (or get rid of it) they want it back when they see some one else with it. Older women know what they want and go for it when they find it. Which brings me to the next benefit, all women have a certain amount insecurities but older women handle them so much better. In other words a lot less games. They get to the point. When it comes to communication, I can't tell you how helpful this is. She is going to tell you what you need to know and when you need to know it. She isn't going to bitch at you, scream at you or yell at you and there is no hinting. She is going to talk to you directly a put it bluntly. They are also patient and once committed They are willing to work with you. They will put in the effort that you put in. The young girls are not patient and when it's not going the way she likes it, they usually bail. There is a higher level of responsibility with older woman that you can't find with younger ones. You can depend on her, even lean on her. She will depend on you a lot less and wont depend on you for things you can't provide. Young girls use the things you can't provide as an excuses to get rid of you. Now the best part about older women compared to younger women is their honesty. They will like you for more genuine reasons. It won't be anything other than you being you for he being there. She won't be there for your money, your car, or your status. Your personality is the only thing that can and will win her heart.

   Now there are some common traits and qualities that usually apply to all women regardless of their age. They all want fun, have a sense of adventure, lust for life, and an appreciation for a real man. The difference from the older woman compared to the younger one in these areas are, when it comes to fun an older woman knows how to have fun no matter who she's with. Even if you aren't her cup of tea, she will find common ground as oppose to a younger one who expects you to bring it to her. Also an older woman usually try to make sure you are having as much fun as she is. Her sense of adventure isn't limited to what she wants to do and going to what is considered popular. She is looking for the right travel companion, not just looking for who can afford to take her. She is helping with the bill. Her lust for life is different because of her experiences. They see life differently than their younger counterpart. So she is so much more emotionally, spiritually, sexually, physically and financially put together. She doesn't need anything, it's just a matter of what she wants. To get her all you need is you. What you bring to the table determines how long you stay. Which brings me to liking real men. Younger woman have a preconceived idea of what a man is or at least should be. When you don't measure up to it, she holds it against you. Older women realize that there are all kinds of men in this world and the fun is trying to figure out which one you are and experiencing what you have to offer. Turn her on and she will do her best to give you the experience of your life.

    I could go on and on about how an older woman are better than younger ones but like I said before that's a book, not a blog post. To get one just be yourself and let her decide how much she want to deal with you. They are very smart and can spot bullshit a mile away. So honesty with a direct approach is the best policy when approaching them. They will let you know very early if you're being successful. Just be confident, sincere, and attentive then see what's up. Any event I hope I have convinced you enough to at least go and see if I'm right.

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